how many dms do u get when you post in a women’s sub or make it clear you’re woman in your post?

  1. Bruh I posted for the first time ever in women’s sub and got like 3 dms I wanted to know how common that is 🥲

  2. I rarely get them (maybe once a month), and usually it’s not people trying go flirt but looking for advice or an open ear. also, outside of the women focused subs, even though I have a feminine avatar, people still just assume I am male.

  3. I’ve gotten a few men messaging me from here when I mention being slightly tall. They all talk about the same sorts of things. I’ve been on Reddit for over 12 years across maaaany accounts and those are the only messages I ever get asking me about gendered things.

    Oh and I also get a fair amount of DMs from spam bots when I post to popular subs.

  4. Many dumb ass guys think I’m Asian due to my username, so often. So many pathetic-ass men out there. My user name is from an old funk song lyric I misheard as a child.

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