I’m 27. Recently moved to new town where I don’t know anyone. I will be staying here for atleast next 2 years. As I said I don’t have any friends here.
Any suggestions on what should I do to spend time? How to face loneliness? How to stay strong & happy alone?

  1. Find a club or community to join in your local area. You could also visit people around you and introduce yourself as the new neighbour. Could be a good start to meet new people and start making connections.

  2. I find the fastest way to make friends and meet people is to join a sports club or sports team, definitely helps fill the time and make acclimatizing to a new environment much easier.

  3. Do sports, if possible in a place where you will meet and interact with people regularly
    A gym is nice, so could be a sports club

  4. Join a club which aligns to your hobbies. Or look into starting something new. Most people would welcome beginners 😊

  5. Some thoughts…

    -Def find the gym you like best in the town, and hit it after work.

    Why? Kills time in a productive, constructive way… Brings a good return on investment… Might lead to making a new guy friend or two… Addresses normal stress of life as well as stress brought on by your new, specific circumstance of being lonely, uncertain, et cetera.

    If you’ve never really been a gym person, your goal is now is not to go there and lift like a monster. Just take some months to calmly establish a routine… say, 20 minutes of very slow treadmill (so slow that you kinda think it’s too slow).

    And for strength training, maybe utilize an instructor at the gym who gives free advice or utilize youtube videos about basic exercises for beginners.

    -Whoever is on your list of key relationships wherever you came from, maintain a connection with them to help with your needs. Maybe a scheduled phone call/video chat once a month to laugh and catch up will suffice.

    -You mentioned ‘how to stay happy’…

    There is research that suggests a person’s happiness in life will increase with the amount of gratitude expressed. (Gratitude *expressed* is different than gratitude simply *felt.)*

    So start a simple gratitude journal to help stay focused on all sorts of big and little things to be thankful for. Here’s the easy, effective journal system I swear by –


    -As far as making friends in your new place…

    What helps is to get involved in the community. Join a club, volunteer somewhere, start attending a church and choose a small way to also serve there, meetup.com groups that might exist, and so on.

  6. Playing sports, you don’t even have to be crazy good. there are casual groups that aren’t high skill and just play for fun

  7. Any hobbies? Usually a good way to make new friends. Maybe try something you’ve always wanted to be never got the opportunity

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