I’m wondering if the more money you make , the more confidence you’ll be in approaching beautiful women.

  1. the more money you make the more confident you’ll be in approaching everything, well everything except for tax department

  2. Having a higher income usually bolsters your own self esteem, values, fulfillment, etc. versus feeling down about yourself when jobless. It definitely boosts confidence in speaking to everyone not just women

  3. Your insecurities don’t die with an increase in income, even if you feel safer, less likely to fall off the end of the world into homelessness or some kind of poor people horror.

    If your lack of confidence is caused by how you’re feeling about the size of your waist, you’ll still have the same waist until you take action. A better income or greater job security might make it easier to change your diet, because you have less stress, or might make it more realistic to hire a personal trainer.

    Everything around you might change, but nothing you feel about anything can really change until you do. Even if you have more success with women because you have the ability to pay for meals, drinks, a nicer car etc, your insecurities will stick with you. You just won’t have to deal with them when you think you’re winning, until they finally expose themselves like rabid dogs because you took a loss and it shook you, reminded you who you were, made you feel fear again.

  4. would you like to see my Centurion card? money makes zero difference. i grew up strictly middle class and never had any problems meeting or dating all types of women. now i’m stupid loaded and nothing is any different.

    it’s all about respect. respect yourself and respect her, only be with respectful people, and you’ll have no probs.

    class comes from within, and only from within. respect is universal. so is lack of it.

    be wary of approaching people based on their looks or their income.

    dating for money is the same as dating for looks. caveat emptor, my friend…you’ve been warned…

    that water is beautiful and inviting.

    and it’s full of sharks.

  5. I now make about $150K, but I live in more of a working class city. At least here, I don’t think it makes a big difference. Getting in shape has given me much more confidence, and having money has helped me get in shape, so I suppose indirectly it does…

    The idea that women are gold diggers is really unfair and overstated IMO. I’m yet to find a girl who I felt was using me for my money, or seemed to care about it.

    Height, now that’s another story.

  6. I practiced approaching and talking to randpm women in public. This was primarily responsible for increasing my level of confidence to approach any women.

    It had nothing to do with income

  7. I’ll go against the grain. My confidence increased. But I’m from a culture where I was raised to value wealth and success and the women were too. It Carried over even in the US

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