Men of Reddit.How is September going for you, so far?

  1. Good, my man. I was supposed to be automated out of my job, that didn’t work out for them so I’m secured in my position. My dog is still going strong like a champ, even at 14. I started cooking more, still don’t like it, but hey it’s a skill we all need sooner or later. Only thing that sucks is it’s starting to get cold and wet, I like summer.

    How about you, OP?

  2. I saw lots of deer, a random stranger said I definitely have a small dick, and my Gatorade froze in the back of the refrigerator.

    I got caught outside in a surprise thunderstorm on the 21st of September. Take that, Earth Wind and Fire.

  3. Not bad, first weekend trip with my girlfriend, a couple races where I placed in my age group and one where I paced a friend to a personal best and age group win and work is going well

  4. Good! I turned 31, got a raise, my skills as a bench jeweler are getting recognized by my peers. All in all, I’d say an 8 out of 10.

  5. Great, my son just had his first birthday party, and for his actual birthday this week we’re taking him to the zoo. Being a dad is way cooler than I ever imagined

  6. I started a new job and started dating one of my co workers. Pretty eventful month I’d say.

  7. I just had a turbinoplasty last Tuesday. My nose has been bleeding since then, but it should be worth it in the long-run. I had this surgery in order to help with my allergies, and (more importantly) to improve my sleep quality. I’m sick of feeling sleepy during the day even after getting a full night’s rest.

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