I’m getting back into online dating after quite a while and this go around am trying to get better pictures. I’m very harsh on myself in terms of my self image so I had a friend take some pics because I need all the help I can get! Of course have some other more candid ones in there as well.

I have them in the planned order I’m going to use for my profile but want to double check with some fresh eyes that things look alright:



1. This will be my first even though I don’t have an open-mouth smile (something I don’t really do too much naturally). I will zoom in on the face in the app(s) but when you zoom out you get a the best general vibe of who I am I think.
2. Obligatory puppy pic with the family puppy.
3. Proof I have friends. I painted over the faces of everyone else and did a joke clickbait youtube thumbnail red circle and arrow so there is no confusion as to which one I am
4. Just a pic taken while I was cooking
5. I know this one is pretty far away but its a full body pic and I just think the tree looks cool. So sue me.

All the ones after are alts that I didn’t like for, in most cases, obvious reasons.

It feels weird asking this but please let me know which picture(s) you find most attractive. I’m aiming for ladies but everyone is welcome to answer. Even if it doesn’t meet the criteria of a good ‘first picture’, which would make you the most interested in clicking the profile. On the flipside, are there any that even just slightly make you go “meh” or “yuck”?

I am pretty happy with them but want honest feedback! My feelings will not be hurt, I promise.

PS: I know I’m kind of fishing for compliments here, but on top of your reviews any confidence boost here too would be welcome. I’ve come to terms with not being the greatest looking guy but I’m nervous I’m just going to sink getting back into online dating.

  1. Ok I love the one with the puppy because you have a genuine laugh/smile on your face. And the one where you circled your face made me laugh for real. I think it shows that you’re not too serious and I think you would make me laugh. Seeing you cooking would be a huge green flag for me personally because I’ve never dated someone who cooks in any of my relationships. I like picture 6 as your first picture (it’s exactly the same, just smiling) I also love the one with the cat looking at you. How people treat animals is huge! Just my opinion I guess, but that’s how I view it

    Edit: the one with you working is meh only because I can’t see your face BUT it would be a great conversation starter to ask what you do for a living!

  2. 37 year old woman here! First of all, good for you for getting back out there. Secondly, these are great! You’re handsome, and all of these photos show your personality. You look like a lot of fun. Id probably drop the cat one only bc it’s repetitive, but keep the rest. In your profile- be sure to demonstrate your personality – what are you into? Passions? Hobbies? Wit and humor are a bonus. With online dating, honestly and transparency are best. Don’t be afraid to put yourself out there and be real about what you’re seeking. If you’re looking for casual, say that. Dating and just exploring – say it! Looking for a connection that can lead to long term? Spell that out. When you’re upfront, you don’t waste your time or anyone else’s and it makes the process so much better. My next bit of advice is to text or chat a bit to get a vibe and then either do a phone call or FaceTime before meeting up to see if there’s chemistry. Personally, I like to do coffee for an actual first date. It’s low commitment and you can always extend the date if it goes well. Good luck, and I hope you find what you’re seeking. 💕

  3. Okay, first of all, you’re not bad looking! I like the puppy pic and the woods pic, and the cooking pic is actually kind of hot! But something about the pictures of you in front of the computer is off… maybe it’s the lighting or the editing of the photos but they almost look like stock photos or like you were pasted onto a fake background. The friends pic is a little awkward, it would be better to have one where you’re standing next to them, rather than peeking out from behind.

    Personally I like your style and don’t think you’re unattractive, but have you ever considered going with a shorter hairstyle? Something with less bulk to it and more swept away from your face would provide a good balance for your facial features!

  4. Tempted to tell you to rework your whole plan to get #7 in there. That cat looking up at you like that is too sweet! Overall though, your plan is a good one. Bio is important too, so don’t be so focused on pictures that you neglect that part. But I think you’re attractive and your pictures are interesting, so I suspect you’ll do fine. Keep us posted!

    (Edit: just to be super clear, not seriously suggesting rethinking your choices. Your first 5 are a great selection!)

  5. I really like the kitchen photo and the one with the tree. I know you didn’t fell the tree yourself but you’re wearing a plaid shirt so it’s heavily implied that you could fell a tree if you chose to. That’s just good marketing.

    Pics with animals are always nice.

    The one with calligraphy (?) is good because it shows you doing a hobby but bad because of the mask. Although I guess the mask indicates your concern for your health and that of your fellow calligraphers, which is good. Either way.

    I like your expression in the group photo but all the blocked out faces are distracting.

  6. Regarding your PS…I’m a fairly average dude and I’ve found that how I carry myself matters quite a bit more than more superficial things. You seem average looking too, I dunno. Try to be more confident and if that’s hard, just try faking it for a while. You might be surprised.

    Good luck man!


    Btw, therapy is easily the most helpful thing I’ve done for myself. Dating flows so much naturally now…I might try that too. 🙂

  7. The second picture is really nice and sweet! I think the onion picture would be better if you were looking at the camera, but it has a nice aura

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