I’ve been using hinge for a couple weeks now. I’m 18 and the girls that I talk to that are around my age pretty much stop talking to me or they don’t use the app a whole bunch and getting so know someone eventually takes 5 days but by then these girls just stop talking. Maybe it’s because I’m young yet but fuck man I’m bored and I wanna be loved again and give love to someone. What should I do? Do I keep using hinge? Should I just let me profile sit for a while? I’m annoyed and I just wanna go out with a girl.

  1. Don’t feel bad. I am 40 and I am not much better at this online dating. I have had two dates in 4 months since I started dating again and both were kinda so so.


    My advice is work on getting in good shape. Devolop some style. Develop a hobby or a some other interesting thing to share with new people. The more interesting you can make yourself the more ladies you will eventually attract. Always try to upgrade upwards in life.

  2. OLD probably isn’t gonna work great for an 18 year old dude. Get a service industry job or something where you’ll meet people organically.

    18/19 year olds on there are most likely fucking dudes in their 20s.

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