There was a few moments were my partner did this but I never took them personal or that serious but today it kinda was my breaking point I am 22m she’s 28f tonight one of her friends ended up fighting and ending a 17 year relationship and she offered her friend to stay at our home and when her friend arrived she was crying and we were trying to comfort her and at some point I told her friend that I already had food made that I cooked really well and whatever she wanted that she shouldn’t be afraid to ask for anything and my gf got in the middle of it and said “you’re just a frustrated cook, you don’t even have a culinary arts degree” and that made me feel like shit because she’s already done with her bachelors and all and I’m currently on my 4th year of university but she’s always degrading me somehow like in a very passive aggressive way and I’m upset with her behavior, I don’t want to make a scene rn because her friend is going through a rough moment but damn she’s mean and I’m starting to dislike that.

  1. That’s shitty. I’m sorry. Do you have something against the use of periods at the end of a sentence?

  2. I’m sorry but WTF, I’m a great cook and have absolutely zero background in cookery/hospitality, I work in IT.

    If someone disrespected my cooking abilities like that I would never cook for them again.

    You have done nothing wrong here and the only think i can think of is that your GF is trying to make you less appealing to her friend.

    Stuffed if I would stay in a relationship that was that unsupportive. I’m a 40year old guy btw, married kids and I do most of the cooking

    You are worth more mate.

  3. She’s six years older than you and likes to put you down and insult you. Do you really want to be in a relationship like that?

  4. This is the part where most people ask “does age
    make a difference in a relationship ” ohhhh it sure does

  5. Don’t make your girlfriend food again, simple. She sounds awful, you do need to leave her

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