I’ll be looking for a relationship, no interest in hooking up.

Do you have any advice? I’m particularly interested in the little, less obvious tips or things to think about.

  1. Yeah skip them. If your moderately attractive you’ll get 500 “matches” a day.

    Normal is 200 matches and just being a women is 100. There is a video on YouTube when a guy has a women friend set up his tinder profile and tries to get a date as him. She was shocked how insanely hard it is as a guy.

    Tinder is designed for dudes to never succeed. Some do but not many

    If a completely different world you ladies have with dating apps and we don’t need anymore bitter chick’s complaining about *how hard dating apps are*

  2. How old are you? The apps are skewed by demographics. Some cater to a younger crowd, some older. I’ve had good luck with eHarmony but it’s expensive. Zoosk is also decent.

    Tinder, for all the bad press, isn’t a bad place to “get out there”. Just be absolutely clear in your profile you’re not looking to hook up. The good thing about Tinder is you won’t be messaging ANYBODY until you’ve both “agreed” on looks by swiping right. Weeds out the people sending you messages that you have zero interest in.

  3. I believe in the rule of two, just like Star Wars. I think that women get overwhelmed very easily on the apps by dozens and dozens of matches and no way to engage all of them. If you really want to give serious consideration to potential partners, have no more than two active matches at any time. That way you can put all your energy and attention into them and if they aren’t cutting it, move on and swipe your way to the next match.

  4. If your dead set on using dating apps it would really help if you understand how they work from a guys perspective first. This way you’ll have a better ide why guys do or say what the do.

    And that will help you navigate though douche bags and losers better

  5. don’t. dating apps are pure evil for both parties. as a woman, you can just point a finger and get a guy on the spot. we cannot do that. so be glad your biological programming does not enslave you like it does to us.

    focus on boosting your confidence and talk to a guy in your d2d life when you feel like it. much better chance of getting some good guy rather than on dating apps.

  6. Be open. E.g. See a guy who looks nice? Give him the benefit of the doubt, and do a date.

    Also, cut the texting/calling convo down. Most men aren’t trying to be your phone buddy.

    And with these tips, you’ll find a good guy.

  7. Don’t believe everything you read. Make sure there are plenty of photos, not portraits. If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.

    When it comes time to meet, find some place public and try to bring a friend along. They can either be your excuse to leave early, or they can take off so you can spend time alone.

  8. If someone doesn’t respond or they unmatch it’s probably not because of you. I tried bumble a few months ago and it was overwhelming even as a dude. New profiles get bombarded with views and likes. Plenty of attractive and interesting girls that I never responded to. I responded to the first couple that I did like and I didn’t have the energy to talk to anyone else. I definitely missed out on some great people, but luck is luck. I don’t think you should take anything personally while still on the app.

  9. Mention what you’re looking for on the bio. Avoid saying something big like I’m just looking to see what happens.

  10. Consider how long it takes someone to ask to meet up. If it takes them too long, they’re not serious about a relationship. If they mention it too quickly, they want a notch on their bedpost and also not serious about a relationship. If you chat for a few days to a week and they want to meet, that’s probably your best shot at finding someone who is serious.

  11. If you’re looking for a relationship, use hinge or bumble rather than Tinder. Take quality photos that are REALISTIC (You will get plenty of matches as a woman, you don’t need to deceive people to get more). Don’t be afraid to start convos with guys you’re very interested in. Look to move the convo from the app to irl over coffee quickly, and be responsive when a guy is messaging.

    Tbh, as a woman you get to be really picky. So only match with the guys you’re most interested in and from there just be responsive and willing to take it off the app.

  12. It’s simple

    Delete the app : the kind of men you’re looking for are very likely the kind who doesn’t need to use dating apps to find someone. And the men you’re very likely to come across on the dating app are very much likely to not be the kind of men you’re looking for.

  13. Don’t let the quantity of DMs you get go to your head. Most of them just want to fuck and they will fuck just about anyone. The quantity who want an actual relationship will be significantly smaller.

  14. You will probably get a match with any guy you select. At the same time, pretty much all women select the same small pool of men… And those men don’t settle down. They have the most attractive profiles and little incentive to stop playing it. You are almost guaranteed to get used if you look for Mr. Perfect. In fact, those guys laugh about women that put “not into hookups” into their profile and how quickly they can hook up with them.

    Try to picture the kind of guys that would settle down with you and swipe on them. Chances are they are not all 6’+ with washboard abs and a lot of money. I say this as a decent-looking 6’2 guy who has had a lot of good experiences dating relationship-minded women for the long term. I avoid dating apps like the plague.

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