I’ve always been told I’m really good at giving blowjobs and sex in general but I don’t know if it’s just them being nice or just what you’re supposed to say or whatever. I’m pretty confident I am really good at blowjobs at least but like… How do you ever know for sure?

  1. That’s a good question, and it is so subjective. What feels good for one person may not be liked by another. I think its best to seek feedback from your partner.

  2. I’ve been told that I’m really good at eating pussy by all my partners and that really means a lot to me.

    before i starting being sexually active at 25, I read and learned as much as I could about how to be good at oral sex. It was the main complaint I heard from my girl friends about their partners and I decided that I didn’t want to be *that* guy. so I learned, read, and discussed as much as I could about it with my girl friends. i learned different techniques, how to read body language, how to understand what each partner enjoys, how to communicate their likes while eating them out, etc.

    and, not to sound full of myself, but I’m really, really good at it. and I’m a very fast learner. even better, I do it because I enjoy giving pleasure, so it’s just as fun for me as my partners.

    I know I’m good because the first time my most recent ex and started to have sex, i went down on her. she didn’t have a lot of faith in my oral skills, based on past experiences but, in just minutes, she orgasmed so hard that we had to pause the sex for the night. her exact words before her orgasms was “yo, what the fuck is going on?!?!”.

    i haven’t been with a woman that I haven’t been able to cum with oral.

    to add, I once had a fwb that was purely just me eating her pussy, sometimes multiple times a day for almost 6 months. no sex, no blowjobs, which I fully agree upon. we went out and did activities, watched movies, tried new restaurants, etc, and I got to bury my face in her pussy whenever I wanted to…which was very often. it was absolutely amazing and I really got to work on my skills.

  3. as another commenter said, it can be subjective, what is good for one could not be good for another. To me effort is what makes sexual acts great, like a blowjob for example, if youare just going up and down, robotically, maybe it can still feel good but it’s nothing special while if you are using various techniques, movements, tongue here and there, ecc.. it would be incredibly good (and yet some person could not like it though).

    If you have received good feedback from everyone of your partner, then you should be pretty good.

  4. If you have honest partners, ask and they’ll tell you. If you have open communication, they can tell you if you’re doing something they don’t like or how that want it. But for guys…. It tends to be pretty good no matter what.

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