I started dating a guy friend/coworker (I know dating coworkers is stupid but I’m already planning on quitting soon) I’ve known for 3 months. The moment we met, I knew we had a strong connection. We became friends right away and would hangout all the time. I really like him.

He asked me out on a date 3-4 weeks ago… and then in a span of 10 days we had like, 4 dates. 🙂 I’m pretty sure he’s interested in me, but there’s just so many unknowns that I’m starting to psyche myself out. Like I don’t know if he’s seeing other people, I don’t know if he is as interested in me as I am in him, I don’t know if he wants to have a bf/gf relationship or just a hook-up, etc. I want to bring all theee questions up eventually but I don’t want to sound like I’m bombarding him with all these big questions so fast since we’ve only been on 4 dates. Ahhhhh. How do I deal with all these thoughts running through my head? I don’t want to ruin something that’s barely started.

1 comment
  1. You communicate… like a normal person. The best way to sound normal is not to let these questions pile up and cause an emotional outburst. Since we’re past that point… I’d start with telling him you’re planning on quitting your job, and you wanted to see where he thinks the relationship stands, so you know what things will look like between you when you’re no longer working together. In that conversation you can mention that you’re not seeing anyone else right now as you’ve been quite happy seeing just him. He may return the favor by telling you what he’s been up to. Go from there.

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