With the hookup culture and all, does Love still exist in the US in 2022? And what does Love mean?

  1. Of course it still exists. Sometimes it strikes confusion into people in hookup culture. Like they are confused why they develop feelings for another person when they engage in an intimate personal activity, shocker I know right!

  2. Love is a horifically defective word. There’s basically no language other than English that has one word like this and crams about sixteen different emotions and states of being into it.

    The ancient Greeks famously had four words: agape (love of others), storge (love of children), philia (love of peers), and eros (sexual love).

    But even those four categories doesn’t cover it.

    We live in a culture where I love my wife, I love my son, I love my best friend, I love my mom, I love my country, I love my band, and I love rum and cokes.

    Seven totally different emotions. What a fucked-up word.

  3. I love my family and friends, so I know love exists. If that kind of love is real, why not the romantic kind?

  4. Is there anyone who wants something deeper than just mashing your genitals together? Probably.

    Good luck finding that though, and if you’re a man who wants to find that in a woman, good luck *if* you find that.

  5. But most people don’t (or can’t) participate in hookup culture, so how is its existence relevant to love in general?

  6. hookup culture has always existed. always will.


    love can never, ever die. and i doubt anyone would want to continue living in a world without it.

    the absence of love would impact our lives a million times more than its presence.

  7. The large majority of men aren’t experiencing hookup culture. The guy’s that are taking place in this are in the top 20% at most. Women are hooking up with a small minority of men. Most men are looking for love.

  8. It’s a struggle once you’re stuck in the hookup culture of swiping apps. I don’t even try to fight it or lie to myself anymore. I’m sure it’s outside of that realm, but I’ll be 100% honest I have to be better if I want more than what the swipe life offers.

  9. There are plenty of good women left. This era sorts out a lot of shitty people for you. This era lets people wear their crazy on the outside, making a lot of them easy to write off right out the gate.

    If you want love with a good woman you have to be part of a subcultural community that contains them. If you don’t see a lot of good women in your circle you need to expand it or join a better one. Depending on how bad your region is, you might even want to move to expand your prospects.

    Where are you looking? What is your social circle like?

    If you are looking for something more traditional, it’s still out there.

  10. Unpopular answer – if one truly claims that love is gone or extinct in 2022, you’re probably looking in the wrong place, unfortunately.

    There are tons of men and women out there who want genuine relationships, but many of them won’t be found on dating apps or websites. They’re often in other places, like churches, social gatherings, events, even school.

    Yeah, it’s harder than dating apps but they’re out there. And you have to find them.

  11. Hookup culture is nothing new. People have been throwing down casually since we climbed down out of the trees. Hookup culture is just the newest name that the pearl clutching prudes are calling it.

    Perhaps the only change is that we are just being more honest with ourselves and actually talking about it? Eh, what do I know.

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