Long story short there’s one girl (let’s say by the name Liz). This girl used to send and exchange nudes with my boyfriend before we started dating. At some point when my bf and I first started dating, they were in contact again and she sent him things.

Nothing has happened since and all contact was broke.

But now I see my BF followed a girl on TikTok with the same name. I was wondering “Is this her?” And shortly after I saw that, his following list became private.

That seems like too much of a coincidence to me… And worst part is our anniversary is tomorrow.

My boyfriend has been working on himself a lot, waking up early, meditating, cold showers, quitting porn completely, stopping masturbating, going to gym, etc.

We’ve only had sex once in the past 2 weeks and the other times in the past 2 weeks has been him asking for a blowjob. And he said he was quitting porn and hasn’t been masturbating, (he was a porn addict) and said because he’s been doing that, it’s lowered his sex drive lately. And anytime we did anything he was finishing quick so I believed he wasn’t masturbating or anything.

But now I’m super suspicious after this TikTok thing that happened.

EDIT: I confronted him about it and I’m not convinced. He didn’t have TikTok on his phone anymore when he let me have it. And he told me he hasn’t had it for a few days because it’s distracting.

Then on his notifications for TikTok it showed the girl and saying “viewed your page 5 hours ago”. He said “ohhh I think I accidentally followed her because I clicked on this notification to see who she was.” And he showed me how he has a bunch of people on his TikTok he doesn’t know.

But this doesn’t change how his following list was privated, he said he didn’t even know you could do that without a fully private account.

He also acted like he forgot the girls name and was acting confused who I was talking about.

But if his stories was true he wouldn’t have even seen the notification of her checking his profile because if he didn’t have the app for days he wouldn’t have seen the “5 hours ago” notification… So the whole thing being an accident is false.

  1. When you start adding all of these things up that you’re accusing him of, i’m surprise that you’re still around. Hopefully he is working on himself, but it doesn’t really sound like it does it. How committed are you to making this work?

  2. You know they tried to do of study of men who don’t masterbate and the researchers literally couldn’t find a single candidate. It’s like trying to tell a dog not to bark at a cat.
    It’s natural, and if you’re in a committed relationship with one another you should be accepting of that and maybe talk about what’s a healthy way he’s able to accomplish that.
    Every man does it, until Mr.Wiggley doesn’t stand to attention anymore so you might as well go about it in a positive way.

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