Sorry this isn’t the way I want it to be because I’ve tryed posting a few times without reading the rules and I had to change a few things.

WIBTAH for going for the best girl
Ok so for some back story first, I(16m) love this girl(15f), i have known her sinse 8th grade and we are currently in 10th I love her so much and i have sense i first met her, her personality is just perfect, everything about her couldn’t be better. The problem comes when we can’t date, she doesn’t want to date and she moved schools. we use to say “I love you” to eachother all the time but now that school has started I can feel us drifting away from eachother and I’m the onlyone that ever says it. Now I’ve been seeing this girl around that looks exactly like her but agian i know 100% it’s not her.

TLDR: WIBTAH if I started trying go get with this other girl or should I keep trying for this one

Note: I am not staking these girls I am really good friends with one and I have only seen the other in school a few times

  1. With all these misspelled words, I’d say…keep your nose in those books and out of these poor girls faces.

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