What made your honeymoon memorable? Incidents that make you and your SO giggle even after a long time.

  1. My new bride was waiting in bed in our honeymoon cottage and I came out of the bathroom on our first night together, I put my knee on the bed to get in and the bed fell apart and collapsed into a heap on the floor. We spent the rest of the night laughing about the lousy bed.

  2. Standing in a parking lot in some little town, fixing the car my parents insisted we take, because mine was an older car. Getting to the hotel at 2 AM covered in grease. No whoopie that night.

  3. It was the first getaway with a romantic/sexual partner. For a man it really was that big sign of “I’m with you/I accept you”. Not to mention that was the best BnB I’ve ever stayed in. We tried to re-create the experience two years later and the BnB wasn’t nearly the same quality despite having better accommodations.

  4. We sat on a bench overlooking the ocean, enjoying the sea breeze and watching the sunset, I got chilly, so she gave me her coat and pulled me in close and we watched the sunset, and sometime after the sun was down I fell asleep.

    I woke up in her arms, she had wrapped me up in her coat so I wouldn’t get cold and was carrying me back. I said she could put me down, and she just smiled and said never and carried me all the way back to our car. And I just remember watching her face, thinking how very happy I am that we are together.

    She did eventually put me down when we got to the car but she joked about carrying me to our hotel room when we got back but I said that would be too embarrassing.

  5. Hmmm, was it the jet lag, the sunburn, the spouse hurling in the back row of the plane because the return flight was so rough? We laugh about it because we are so glad to not be on our honeymoon ever since.

  6. Well we went to Denver for our honeymoon mainly because we got a good deal on flights and we both have never seen mountains in person before. Probably the most memorable was we drove up Pikes Peak and my husband was freaking out the whole way up. We still laugh about it a lot today. Also our first experience ever in a dispo was on our honeymoon so that is also an experience we will always remember.

  7. I booked a very sexy hotel room, it had a pole, see through rainfall shower, soaking tub, huge round bed with a mirror on top, etc. We spent the entire night with me in the soaking tub because I had a killer UTI 🙃

  8. It was the longest amount of time alone we had ever spent together. We had already been married 6 months…lol we had a cabin in the mountains in tipy top peak with no others around. Having sex out in the balcony. Turning the AC on as cold as it could get, left out for while, got back and lit a fire..lol It was summer.

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