I was wondering, from the bottom of my France, what you thought of Dr. Phil’s broadcasts? Do you take this person seriously?

  1. He’s an entertainer that happens to have a degree. I take him as seriously as any other actor playing their role in a show. As in not at all.

  2. He’s a buffoon. Nobody takes him seriously. He got moderately famous by appearing on daytime television.

  3. No, he’s an idiot. He is an embarrassment to the field of psychology. I’m glad he doesn’t renew his license lol

  4. He’s used vulnerable people and their struggles to create entertainment at their expense, and I don’t respect that.

  5. personally, I think his show is trashy and unethical. he seems like a joke of a person. I think this is a common view among younger Americans especially.

    people who watch his show usually view it as reality show entertainment. most people do not take him super seriously. his show is known for being absurd and over the top.

  6. I take him about as seriously as I take other “real” shows.

    The situations that happen on the show can happen in real life, but things are dramatized for entertainment. Watching the show, you might perhaps find some take away that you can apply in your own life, but I wouldn’t sit there with a notepad taking everything he says as gospel. Overall it’s just entertainment.

  7. My father took to referring to his show as “Springer.” It’s trash TV that pretends not to be.

  8. Dr. Phil is a tv actor, he’s playing a role on a TV show. He holds a doctorate in clinical psychology, but hasn’t renewed his license to practice psychology since 2006. You couldn’t pay me to watch his show or listen to anything he has to say.

  9. I personally don’t take anything he says seriously. Even though he had a degree in psychology, he no longer practices or keeps up with new techniques and theories. Plus, he’s clearly focused on telling people what they want to hear to make money versus what they need to hear.

    Most Americans probably have similar thoughts to me, but there’s clearly a lot of people who tune into his show and buy his books. There’s always have been and always will be people who pay snake oil salesmen for quick and easy fixes to their problems, but the snake oil never fixes them.

  10. He’s a carnival barker pretending to be a therapist. The type of people who are impressed with him are the same types of people who are really into reality tv and celebrities.

  11. Generally, I can’t stand him or any of the other “talking head” type tv show. I will only watch if the topic is something I am really interested in like a cold case file.

  12. I have never listened to or watched Dr Phil.

    He averages about 4.2 million viewers a day. So that’s what, less that 2% of the nation?

  13. He’s a quack and a disgrace to real therapists but that’s just me. Some people enjoy watching other people be humiliated.

  14. The comments are unanimous so far and I might as well pile on.

    He’s just like all the other TV hosts that make money off of regular people’s drama, but more annoying because he acts like the folksy simple analysis he gives after talking to someone for a few minutes in a very un-clinical setting in front of an audience and TV cameras means he’s actually helping.

    The only help the people he’s exploiting might get is that sometimes they are given treatment at actual rehab centers or are referred to an actual practicing therapist who still has their license, unlike Dr. Phil.

  15. He is a step below Jerry Springer in my book. At least Jerry doesn’t pretend to exist other than for pure mayhem

  16. I don’t take him seriously at all. He’s not dumb and has a degree but he’s an entertainer. I used to watch the show for a laugh sometimes like Jerry Springer. It’s not real at all. Most of the stories are likely staged.

  17. I mostly want to know what “from the bottom of my France” means?

    Dr. Phil is a charlatan and kind of an idiot. He parades people around with problems for entertainment and gives them nothing useful in return except maybe a check for appearing on the show.

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