It can be because se has very low self steem , but … What do you think ?

  1. Can’t it be more obvious? Thanks god you’re at least attractive to some cause those brains cells…

  2. Yep, seems to be the case that she likes you. I would be more worried about the fact that she communicates it in such manner, instead of well – any healthy way of going about it

  3. You know I think in this situation she probably likes you, but sometimes people are just weird. My best friend once reacted similarly when I told her I made out with a girl when I was out one night; she didn’t talk to me for days, told me she just needs to ‘have some time to think to herself about it’, etc.

    At the time I had a crush on her but she had a boyfriend. A while later I told her my feelings and she said she didn’t feel the same and she’s still with her boyfriend to this day. Her behaviour then seemed like a massive green flag that she was into me and got jealous, but it certainly doesn’t seem to have been the case. She’s still my best friend all these years later and nothing has ever happened between us.

    Sometimes when you’re close with someone they just have weird reactions about your attention being on other people, it’s perhaps not healthy behaviour but people can be weird about things. I’d say it’s probably pretty likely she likes you, but just don’t go jumping to conclusions, cause I’ve been there and you really never know what’s going through another person’s head. The best thing to do is just to talk it out if your friendship is that strong.

  4. That’s as clear as signs get when it comes to women, short of straight up telling you they’re into you. You’re clear to proceed good sir, I’d personally ask her if she’s jealous the next time she brings it up and go from there but each to their own.

    Best of luck on your venture

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