Like do you think you’re better off now that you’re off of them, even if you’re still single?

  1. Twice divorced…no dating apps…

    Jamming on vintage Black Sabbath, four sheets to the wind, college football on mute on the TV in the background

    Life is simple – life is good!

  2. Mentally better off. I’m happily single and don’t care enough about trying to find a new relationship to go through dating app games.

  3. Doing much better. My life is so stress free now.
    Not wondering what kind of mood she’s in. Or what drama she’s in today. Always the gossip
    Now its peaceful when I come home.

  4. Dating apps are awful, but real life constantly reminds me of why I went for the apps in the first place. It’s the same shit.

  5. I’ve tried them. I found them boring.

    Everything felt too artificial and forced. It didn’t seem as spontaneous as real life. I never felt like I was never getting a sense of their personality and just felt like the whole thing was far too formulaic.

  6. i quit using dating apps when i realized it was nothing but a smorgasbord of cock for women. as far as how i’m doing? alright i guess. not really interested in dating at the moment.

  7. I stopped using them because I stopped looking for a partner altogether. Much happier. I focus on myself and the things I enjoy.

  8. Pretty great. I’ve actually found an amazing woman that I’ve been dating for about a year and a half.

    I never was good as “selling myself” in dating app bios. I much prefer making a connection in person. So that’s what I went out and did.

  9. Not well.

    Mentally I’m no different as I’d gotten used to having no attention while on or off the apps. My friends are scattered around the country and the two I have in proximity to me don’t have massive social circles I can be introduced to. Introducing new people was never something that happened anyway, we just went out by ourselves and did what we planned to do – usually shopping or walking.

    At this point I’m not sure where meeting new people let alone women is going to happen. I’ve looked at the local organised events but there’s fuck all for young people – everything is like wine and cheese night advertised to pensioners, or knitting groups or theatre trips. Nice stuff, but not where you meet people in their 20s.

    I’m starting to worry a bit about my future dating life atm. I’ve just graduated so meeting girls at work isn’t on the horizon anytime soon – will be a few months until I find work at best. Apps don’t work for me, and no my pics aren’t cringe. And I don’t have the ever expanding social circle that everyone and their mother is harping on about these days. I’m just, idek what I’m doing tbh. Nothing really.

  10. They’re pointless. You send 5 messages, they receive 500. It’s a drop in the bucket and it’s unfairly geared towards women

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