There are hundreds upon hundreds, maybe thousands, of posts I’ve seen on this website discussing ways to find the most success in approaching women.

Well, as a woman who wants to know what it takes to be approached by men more often, be it strangers, coworkers, etc., please let me know! When you see a woman in public that you want to approach/flirt/have sex with, what is most likely to have drawn you to her? What about her physical appearance? What about her attitude/demeanor?

  1. 1. Smile
    2. Be pleasant
    3. No resting bitch face

    That’s about it.


    Here’s the thing ladies don’t quite grasp: hot doesn’t matter. A guy can be totally into a girl and want to ask her out, based on ONE thing. It could be her eyes, the way she dresses, her voice, her attitude, her butt, her tits, etc etc. Like flavors of ice cream, there is one for everybody. I once went on a date with a lady because I liked her nose. It was the straightest, most elegant nose I’d ever seen. Got my attention, I asked her out, and it turned out to be a decent relationship.


    Men are like this. They don’t have some set standard of a checklist with 25 things on it, before they’ll even be interested.


    They’ll take several mediocre or bad traits such as no butt, flat chest, frizzy hair, too fat, too skinny, etc… as long as they find that one thing they really like.


    Unlike women, who have ridiculous expectations that a guy has to fill out 10 checkpoints, unless he’s super hot or super rich.

    So, to recap:

    1. Smile
    2. Be pleasant
    3. No resting bitch face

    You’ll be amazed.



  2. Nothing… It’s kinda terrifying to be honest. You have no clue what the reaction might be and you have to have some game plan to get to the next steps

    But I don’t think women know that they have an ultimate cheat code, you’re a woman. Just go up and talk to a guy and more often then not he’ll be completely happy with being noticed by you. Even if he isn’t single, you’ll get a nice smile most of the time.

    I’d say I don’t care about the perfect girl. Just the perfect girl *for me*. Someone who’s easy to chill with, loves to explore and be a hermit. Loves games of all sorts of at least open to playing them. Bam, that’s my checklist. Not once did I mention what you have to look like, because most of the time if there’s something we like about you, we can settle for the rest.

    Yeah sure I’d be nice to sleep with an Ariana Grande, but after fucking…. What else does she do? Would she annoy the shit out of me? Would she even love what I find comfort in…etc

    Edit: Stop putting resting bitch face 🤣 it’s their default expression. Maybe be more *aware* if you’re told you have one, or you know you have one

  3. Yeah we pretty much can’t do that anymore because asking someone out at work can be seen as harassment. So I think females need to make it more obvious that you’re open to being approached like that, start cat calling us lady’s. Make politically incorrect remarks about our looks and send us unsolicited photos. That will work

  4. Don’t have headphones on, don’t fiddle with your phone, don’t look busy or stressed. We assume you don’t want to be distributed when doing so.

    Be somewhere where it’s acceptable to approach women. We’re terrified to come across as a creep.

    Eye contact and smile at them.

    What you can do is to look for guys to approach. Even if you don’t approach them Think about what they are doing to seem approachable.

  5. I think it’s important to also establish that there’s a difference between things that make you want to approach a woman and things that make you approach a woman.

    Wants: mainly how attractive I find them, if I know aspects about them as a person that could contribute too.

    Things that make me actually want to approach: smiles directed at me, not in large groups or ideally with people I know. Usually something to hint that she is okay with someone approaching her. A staff member at a bar smiling and alone wouldn’t make me approach her unless she was overtly flirty when I was ordering.

  6. How physically attractive she is and how friendly she seems.

    Not that I do approach women but those are the 2 things that make me want to.

  7. “There are hundreds upon hundreds, maybe thousands, of posts I’ve seen on this website discussing ways to find the most success in approaching women.”

    There’s been just as many posts asking what makes us approach the woman.

    The answer is the same.

    If it’s a stranger then it’s going to be visual (well it’s going to be visual anyway…) and does she appear to have a pleasant personality?

    The problem with approaching women is that we can’t read your mind.

    We’ve also been told by MANY women that they don’t want to be (cold) approached. So now the ball is in the women’s court.

    If you’re interested in a guy you need to approach (initiate contact) him. Also don’t be subtle or drop “hints”. Men won’t get them(or act on them).

    But I’m guessing that you won’t approach a guy (most women don’t) so here’s what you can do to be more approachable.

    1. Don’t look uncomfortable.

    2. Don’t look angry (or have a Resting Bitch Face)

    3. If you’re reading, on the phone or have headphones on not approachable.

    4. With another guy or with a group of friends? Not approachable.

  8. I think you’re potentially asking two different questions here: “what would make a guy *want* to approach you” and what would make a guy *actually* approach you.

    For a guy to **want** to approach you, it’s generally some variation of being attractive or having something intriguing about you, which differs somewhat from man to man.

    There was a woman I wanted to approach because she had a gorgeous dress. There was another that had gorgeous eyes. There was another that had these cool silver highlights. Etc.

    I don’t know you, but odds are you pass by a lot of men who would *want* to approach you.

    For a guy to **actually** approach you, it’s a bit trickier.

    Men generally don’t want to make others uncomfortable, so you have to make yourself available and welcoming. If you look too busy or occupied, look frustrated, or have company, especially groups of girl friends, a guy would probably refrain so as to not disturb you.

    Among the male population are also men that don’t believe they would even have a shot with you, men who have been shot down ruthlessly and lack the confidence, men who have been pranked or publicly ridiculed, etc. Not to mention the current social climate.

    So if you’d like to be approached more, you’d need to make it easier on them, to show that it’s actually welcome. Smiling, eye contact, maybe even beckoning them over if you maintain prolonged eye contact, being unaccompanied so they actully have a space next to you to occupy, that sort of thing.

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