I (22F) have noticed this can happen when I get in the talking stage with a guy. It may be over DM, text, whatever. Where we will start off with some great conversations but after a few days, he gets bored and it’s pretty obvious he’s not interested but refuses to end it. Maybe he is uncertain of that decision, just wants options, or is afraid of making someone upset by saying he’s not interested. Basically, they want you to do the hard work for them and by making their responses duller and duller, they are hoping you back off and become disinterested too. When you stop responding after this, they’ll never reach out again, showing they didn’t care too much.

So you’ll ask a guy about his hobbies or how long he’s been going to this rock climbing place and he’ll reply with “2 years”. Then his following replies will become more and more spaced out, you can tell he’s ignoring you, and he’ll only say things like “yep”, “sure”, “seems like it”.

Do I just “ghost” a guy at this point and stop responding? I know some guys are just awful texters but I mean when a guy is showing interest initially and then it fades out.

  1. Texting is meant to be a first step. It has to lead onto developing the relationship if you’re both interested.

    Otherwise, who could ever be excited about having to text somebody repeatedly, having forgotten the entire reason you began messaging in the first place?

    You just become another notification on somebody’s phone. Close the deal.

  2. I ALWAYS ghost these kinds of guys. It means he’s playing games, not interested, or just low effort

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