I and my gf are in uni together and have a couple classes together. She lost her friends last year so she made some new ones this year.

The thing is her new friends are only boys, and i think one of them may have a crush on her. That makes me very insecure cause she went out several times with them and knowing some dude i dont know is trying to seduce my girl is really bothering to me.
I talked to her about my jealousy towards her friends and it turned out they dont even know she has a bf!! Ok its only been a week they know each other but still i find it so hurting…
She says she didnt tell them because she didnt have the opportunity and she wont be like « btw i have a boyfriend. » which i can understand. She thinks thats if they know she has someone they may kick her out of the group. I dont know how to think about that cause its like they were friends only because shes a « single » girl. I really want them to know i exist and that shes not available. She tells me that it doesnt matter if they know or not bc she doesnt want anything to happen. But i think it does matter and it makes me so stressed out and i feel like either shes ashamed of me or she likes having other guys attention which i find so toxic. But its only been a week so tell me if i am just overthinking.

I dont know how to talk about that with her bc we already did and i hate being that jealous guy. I am a massive overthinker so the only think i had on my minf this week was this guy seducing my girl woth a knot in my stomach.
Thanks if you read me!

My girlfriend has new guy friends and one of them may have a thing for her. They know know each other for a week but she didnt tell them she has a bf. That makes me really stressed out and a bit pissed.

Taking any advice about how to tell her without pissing her off or how to relax about it.

Thanks a lot

  1. Overthinking. She has told you her side and you should take those words for face value because if you don’t find her trustworthy then you shouldn’t be with her to begin with. Give it a couple more weeks and if she is unwilling to have you meet them or is still giving excuses then it would be good to revisit this conversation.

  2. >She thinks thats if they know she has someone they may kick her out of the group

    So She is not going to tell them she has a boyfriend!! It sounds absurd, what’s the point of making such friends who only wants you when you are single? Well you have done the right thing by telling her about your insecurity. Now it’s her turn to show her loyalty. If she is not willing to disclose this matter to them within few weeks then think of your own. I hope she loves you enough to do the right thing.

  3. My ex went to uni got new friends and cheated on me. Can’t pick em but be wary of her being led astray just to *fit in*

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