I’d know him since the day I could walk and talk. We did everything together. Unfortunately at the age of 11 my family immigrated but we kept in touch through phone calls, emails and word of mouth from our parents. We lost touch when were about 16 years old.

We went on to live very different lives. He was able to complete high but that was about it. Life dealt him very difficult hands and it’s only now that he is starting to build something for him self.

I recently got in touch with him again through Facebook .He’s looks good and he’s doing okay but man, our lives very took different paths.

  1. Were super close and played sports/on same teams from 8-18 years old until college came. His parents were both engineers and offered to pay for his college completely, he decided he didn’t want to go. I went away to college, and in those first two semesters he started hanging out with a different group and formed an issue with fentanyl. He’s been in and out of rehab since. I reach out from time to time, but he’s a shell of himself.

  2. He lives near me by a minute walk, everyone now is busy in university, last time we talked was last January

  3. Knocked up his girlfriend at 15, they moved to Florida together, got divorced, and how he’s back in our hometown married to a new girl and working as the manager of a retail store in town.

    A couple years back I saw his then-22 year old son on Grindr and after blocking him, went out and bought my burial plot.

  4. I never really had a best friend, as my family moved a lot when I was a child. When we did finally settle down. I met a guy at school through a mutual friend and we became pretty close throughout all of high school. After high school, I moved away and did some traveling and he moved away and had some legal troubles. We just fell out of touch with all we had going on. Cut to 12 years later, we both ended up settling back down in LA, and he randomly wandered into the store I was working in. We immediately reconnected, and of all things he invited me to join his DnD campaign. That’s been just over 10 years ago now, and I can’t think of a single day that’s passed that we haven’t spoken. We still play dnd once a week, we do dinner with our wives every so often. He is just a constant staple in my life now, he is my brother.

  5. I had three, one was shot, one OD’d, the third did OK though. Still hear from him once every few days.

  6. He has an alcoholic hoe wife and a son who is almost 40 now. He just retired. He’s an interesting dude. The best mechanic I’ve ever known, but damn is he slow!

  7. Now hates me and my entire family because I got accused of bullying, even though I was the one getting bullied.


    The guy is also getting completely destroyed in school and is only looking craving pussy from what I heard.

  8. When I was young, there was this boy – Rusty – who lived two houses down.

    We were best friends… but more than that, although I didn’t realize it at the time because I was too young and lacked the words, he was the first great love of my life.

    He disappeared one day without notice; his family moved.

    I found him on facebook a few years ago.

    I don’t know how his life is… because he doesn’t talk to me… but just from his appearance – he’s still that cute dirty blond whose hand I’d want to hold.

    I mean… he doesn’t know me and I don’t know him anymore… but a boy can still dream.

  9. 5th grade to the present and beyond. College roomates, best man, we’ve been through a lot. Still “hang out” on zoom calls most weeks and see each other once a year or so. Live different lives (he’s religious, I very much, am not) in different states but we commisserate as fathers and husbands, nerd it up online and still have our in-jokes. I still see his family every time I go to visit mine and was a pall bearer at his mom’s funeral. I’d die for that dude, no joke.

  10. His family moved away when we were in middle school. Pretty much dropped off the face of the planet after that.

  11. After several years apart we met again about 15 years ago and kept in touch. I wouldn’t say we’re best friends since our interests got a bit apart but we do talk and keep our friendship in easy terms.

  12. He enlisted in the Marines and was killed in action in Quang Tri Providence South Vietnam on April 19, 1968.

  13. My bf and I still talk all the time. We met when I was 12 and I’m 64 now. We’re going to,Hawaii in the spring. I love her dearly.

  14. We walked around in a circle for a full mile yesterday because we were waiting for his partents to stop their idle chatting.

    Technically we also celebrated his birthday but that’s not important.

  15. I grew up in a small town so had a bunch of people that I knew well and were great friends with.

    One had a firearms accident a year after graduating high-school (suicide highly likely but it’s a small town and 1985)

    One girl I still occasionally talk to. She had a shit marriage. Divorced him after a few years and two kids. Leading a good life. Kids are grown and doing great.

    Second male friend I lost touch with a few years after high school.

    Third male friend I ran into 20 years after high-school. Both of us in the military.

    Other good female best friend I talk to often. She had a husband that died from cancer about 15 years back. Moved back home and runs a bunch of businesses that her aunt started. Kids are grown and out of the house. One is going to help/take over after they finish college. I lost track of her for a long time until a chance meeting.

  16. Best friends since 3rd grade. I moved away at the start of high school but we kept in touch through it. Sometime after we drifted apart but still talked occasionally. When I was 25 I got a message from his wife that he died in a motorcycle accident. I still feel badly about not making the trip for his funeral.

  17. we grew apart over the years, and i literally moved across the country. i still think of him from time to time. i wonder if he’s doing ok.

    because he was one of my best friends for close to 10 years.

  18. I don’t know, haven’t seen him in 23 years. What I found out though is that he’s married and has, at least, one kid. Amazing what you can find out when his profile pops up in the “people you may know” thing on Facebook.

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