I have problems keeping conversations and starting them
I don’t have many friends; I want to start to make new ones but idk how to approach people
I worry that i may look like a creep, or an asshole
Is talking to someone because i overheard that they have similar interests acceptable?

1 comment
  1. I’m just going to answer your questions, as you have very particular ones.

    **I have problems keeping conversations and starting them.**

    * Start with basic stuff (Essentially getting a gist of what kind of person they are)
    * Hey! How’s it going?, Where are you from?, How’s class (Follow-up with what you thought about class, helps the other person warm up to you). If you have different classes, then talk about those things too.


    **I don’t have many friends; I want to start to make new ones but idk how to approach people.**

    * Just walk up to them, and wave at them or just drop a Hey! That’s pretty much all you need to do. Most often, people are happy to talk to you.
    * When you talk to new people, use the Questioning Method, which is essentially just picking out buzzwords from their statements and framing another question out of it.

    For example,

    Person X: I love horse-riding, I’ve been doing it for almost 6 years!

    You: Oh! Where did you learn Horse-Riding? (Follow up with random questions about Horse-Riding)


    **I worry that i may look like a creep, or an asshole.**

    * Don’t get too personal at the get-go, and just don’t stare or be rude. Just go with the flow.
    * Saying Hey! to someone isn’t creepy, I like to think of it as a way to acknowledge someone’s presence.


    **Is talking to someone because i overheard that they have similar interests acceptable?**

    * Yeah, but let them broach the subject. Don’t just go up to them and say, Hey! you like doing X right? (This assumes that you heard about their interests from someone else)
    * If you are sitting close by and overheard their conversation, then you could jump in by saying Hey! I just overheard your conversation and you mentioned you’re interested in X activity.

    Hope this helps! I had the same problem when I started college, and this is what I’ve realized.

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