So, I met this guy in college a few weeks ago. He’s super nice to me in person, always talks to me or at least say hi when he sees me in college. We have the same classes just once a week, so that’s the day we really have conversations.

Other thay he even waited for me to take the same bus (because he didn’t have the last class and I did).

I’m into him and I think he’s into me, because once he even made a comment to see if I had a boyfriend.

The only problem is in text, he takes too long to answer. Even more than a day. I’ve texted him about the classes he have together, cause I needed help. He didn’t take a day for the first answer, but when I replied he did. So i decided to stop sending messages.

But the last time he was the one who sent me a message, to continue the conversation we were having in person. It was okay, until he stopped answering again. I know he’ll do it, but it’s been more than I day. He can’t be that busy.

So, what do I do? Should I “forget” him? I don’t think it’s normal…

1 comment
  1. Just suggest getting a coffee, you’ll find out real quick whether he’s actually into you.
    Some people are terrible with texting because they text with too many people at the same time and don’t feel like they need to respond to each of them within an hour or whatever. It’s true that it’s not looking the best because it doesn’t match the assumption that he’s into you, but all you can do is speculate. For all we know, he is nervous as hell about this and listening to some dude’s advice to “appear busy” or something 🙂

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