Forgive me in advance if I sound naive! I’m brand new to using dating apps and am still figuring it out haha.

I’ve been having a relatively positive experience using the apps so far and getting to know different people. So far, most people enjoy chatting over a few days before making any suggestion to meet.

I matched with someone who’s a bit older than me (7 years) and I guess I was a bit perplexed because he just asked to go on a date immediately. He also set the date, time, location and didn’t even ask for my availability.

I’m not sure whether this is common but I’m a bit uncomfortable by how pushy this comes across. Or am I overthinking it and being too reserved? Any guidance is welcome – thank you!!

  1. It’s ok to proceed with caution if you’re interested in finding out a little bit more. I would make sure you have definite boundaries set and stick to them. If you are picking up on anything else pushy or weird on the date then it’s time to go.

  2. Safety first when meeting up with someone from the apps. Always go to a public location first. That being said…

    When I was on the apps, I absolutely DISLIKED doing the whole back and forth conversation thing for days/weeks before meeting the person. I was def the person to make and set a date sooner than later, usually after the initial greetings and convos. However, I would ask first what the woman’s availability was and then schedule the date around that. And yes, I set the time, date and place to meet. That means the guy knows how to make decisions and can lead when necessary.

    Real connections are made in person, not via texting. I want to know who I’m talking to and if this person is worth my time and energy.

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