Hello, I’m just curious how many people have approached you to get your number or just straight up said ” hey, I thought u were cute what’s your number?” Also please in your post include your age. Thanks

  1. A lot honestly but it didn’t usually start like “you’re cute” or “you’re hot can I get your number?”. Most women are more subtle than that. It was usually more like “hey give me your number and I’ll send you that” or “hey here’s my number you should send that to me” when referring to something like a link or picture. Then that would usually lead to texting back and forth and more “sinister” messages lol I’m 32

  2. Once but it was online. I don’t think a girl has ever started even a convo with me irl outside of work or back when I was in school

  3. I’ve had it happen a few times and I’m 32. It always felt great when it happened and I always gave them credit for doing that when most women don’t

  4. 2, 43m.

    Usually women approach by flirting and then you give out your details. That’s happened plenty of times.

  5. I met 2 girls from a mutual friend at the bar , when we were chatting one said gimme your phone and she put her number in . Then when I was leaving the other girl did the same .

  6. That’s not how it works. I watched it once in real time.

    I was traveling with a very attractive co worker. He and I were sitting at the airport and a woman comes and sits next to him. She lightly interjects herself into our conversation and (HERES THE MAGIC BEHIND THE CURTAIN I SAW) her male coworker walked up after whatever he was doing.

    She spotted him walking that way and hand gestures for him to go somewhere else.

    She didn’t ask him for anything she made herself overly available for him to ask.

  7. Once, it was a peacock. I was flattered but politely declined, as that would be beastiality. 33M

  8. I’m so surprised by all these zeros. I’m F26 and have approached and initiated every partner I’ve had. If you wait on him it may never happen so I just started talking first. More women should do this!


  9. Been approached numerous times in a few decades but but it’s rarely been like you describe. Women generally love plausible deniability, so they might toss you specific eye contact or a smile, or sit near you, or initiate a conversation. And this is supposed to be recognized as an invitation for you to engage in some banter, after which one of you might make a more direct move. It’s much more rare for a a girl to just lead in with a direct statement of attraction.

    I’d suggest honing your attention to indirect invitations and subtext, and I’d point out that the indirect approach can be useful for you too. If you just walk up to strange women and immediately ask for their numbers, most will reject you. But if they have some attraction and the timing works, then your chances are much better after you’ve had a fun chat together so you have had a chance to screen each other a little.

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