We started having sex with gf and it’s mot easy for me to maintain an erection. I can be completely hard as long as we’re in the right position and I’m receiving constant stimulation but if we change positions or just stop a bit it starts to go soft very quickly. In the meanwhile I can still cum so there’s no problem with that it’s just that if it goes softer it’s impossible to get it in so I must get it up again which is hard. All of this is with a condom though.

I’ve never had this problem before. She’s my second partner ever and it’s my first time using condoms. I don’t watch porn and don’t masturbate often and when I do it it’s with a light grip and she on the other hand is not too loose either. This doesn’t happen with petting and foreplay, this only happens after I put the condom on. Is the condom too small? I already use xl and they don’t sell bigger than this in my country as far as I know so it would really suck if I had to order condoms from abroad. Feel free toask questions for more context

  1. Condoms stretch way bigger than you can believe. I see this comment a lot, almost like men trying to brag about cock size. You can probably wear a regular condom just fine. And if it’s tight, it’s going to act as a cock ring, which is going to make your erection harder, not the contrary. Just my two cents.

  2. Have her play with you through the condom, it’ll still feel really good.

    I saw a comment saying the guy should put a little lube on then the condom, I’m going to try that too.

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