How many of you hunt? If so what for and what do you use to do it?

  1. I’m actually just getting into it this year. My immediate family never did it so I was never taught, so I’m sort of teaching myself. Hoping to get my first deer this year.

    I have a Ruger American .308 because it can take surplus NATO 7.62 and that’s about as cheap as you can hope for these days.

  2. I hunt pretty much anything legal to hunt in my state. Crossbow, 30-06, or flintlock for deer or bear. 12 gauge for birds. 22 for small game. AR for coyotes

  3. I own some acreage in east Texas and I hunt deer (I only kill what I can eat, so usually one per year) and wild hogs. The latter I hunt because they are feral and cause tons of damage. Very rarely, I hunt ducks.

  4. Spend time with family. Get in the woods. Vacation. Deer and Turkey. Rifle. Black powder. Shotgun.

  5. I don’t actually hunt myself, but I used to work at this one place where everyone did. In October, the office was a ghost town and that’s when most people took their longer vacations. Got a lot of random small bits of venison, antelope, and elk in all sorts of styles. Solidly think antelope is the worst game meat.

  6. I’ve guided bow hunters, but have never hunted big game myself. I have a really weird knack for tracking down deer and mountain sheep. I got into it because I know a lot of hunters, and I love hiking. But… I should really start charging people for that shit, because hunting season up here isn’t exactly during a warm and pleasant time of year.

    Oh – not AMerican, but close enough.

    I did go duck hunting once and just used a 12 gauge. I love shot guns, they make me feel like I have good aim.

  7. Deer and small game, pretty much. I use a .308 for deer and a 12 gauge loaded with birdshot for stuff like squirrel and rabbits.

  8. Deer and turkey hunt every year. sometimes squirrel and pheasant. I do it because they’re delicious if you know what you’re doing. My wife, sister-in-law, and a couple aunts had never tasted venison before and were leary at first, but all loved it. I use crossbow / muzzleloader for deer, 12ga for turkey and pheasant, and .22lr for squirrel.

  9. I step in the woods once or twice a year on average recently. Hunting deer with a 12 gauge shotgun.

  10. I go hog hunting about 3-4 times a year. I’m not huge on wild hog meat, and some of them are so parasite riddled that you really shouldn’t be eating them in the first place, so it’s mostly just for fun and for culling the damn things. I’ll usually bring home the smallest portion out of the group, most of which then gets given away to other people, and one of the places we hunt at I just give the pig to property owner.

    Deer I try to go out for each season until I get one. I’ll inhale venison like nobody’s business and, again, it’s super fun.

    I typically use an AR-10 for both. Hogs I’ll occasionally mix it up a bit, I’ve shot them with everything from a Vepr-12 to an AR-50, but .308’s a good reliable deer round.

    I’ve also gone for dove, waterfowl, and gator in the past, but they’re not game that I actively hunt. I gotta be invited along by somebody.

  11. Ducks, geese, pheasant, grouse, turkey – Some form of a 12 gauge shotgun.

    Deer – Compound bow, suppressed AR-15’s chambered in .300 Blk or 6.5 Grendel, .50 cal black powder rifle.

    Squirrel – Suppressed AR-15 chambered in .22LR.

    Planning on getting into bigger game as well such as moose, bear, elk, etc. I just want to pick up a harder hitting rifle before I start down that road.

    My dad was taking my brother in I hunting at such a young age that we were carried on his back. So I’ve grown up with the “if it’s legal to hunt, there’s nothing wrong with being self sufficient” attitude (fishing included here). Plus it’s just an enjoyable hobby!

  12. I am very big into hunting. I try to hunt 100 days a year, and I can’t remember the last time I bought meat at a grocery store. The species that I target every single year are turkey, whitetail, mule deer, ruffed grouse (with the occasional Sprucey mixed in if I’m lucky), pheasant, and hare. My occasional target species include elk, sage grouse, blacktail deer, squirrel, and waterfowl of various kinds.

    I hunt deer and elk with the same .30-06 that my grandfather gave me when I turned 12 and, more recently, with a bow. I hunt upland birds with many different shotguns, but most frequently I use a 20 gauge side by side for forest grouse and either a 12 or 20 gauge over under for pheasant and sage grouse. My turkey gun is a designated 12-gauge, 3.5 inch chamber semi-auto in a forest camo with a red dot. My waterfowl gun is similar, but with a bead sight instead of a red dot and wetland camo. Small game are almost always taken with one of my favorite guns in my collection, a .410 Rossi Tuffy that was the first gun I bought with my own money.

  13. I’ve gone out for stuff, but haven’t gotten anything, so it winds up just being a walk throughout the woods with a shotgun or .22 or something. I’ve got .22 rifles, a rifled bolt-action shotgun, normal shotgun, muzzleloader, and rifles out the ass enough to have any potential North American quarry covered. Rhode Island was pretty specific about what could be used on what, Maine is laughably laid back regarding equipment requirements.

  14. I hunt.

    Usually Dove and Quail. Shotguns(I use a 12 gauge and the kids use smaller down to a single shot .410 that is a trainer older than my father)

    Sometimes Turkey (shotgun) and Deer(rifle, usually a 30-30 but varies depending on who is going)

    We eat the meat on all of them, but honestly I am out there to spend time with my father and children and bond. I used to try and limit out and be serious about it but now I really couldn’t care if we see much so long as we have a good time and build memories. Guess I am getting older…….because now my blinds have comfy chairs.

    We also kill hogs whenever we see them as an invasive and highly destructive species. They are also dangerous and can kill. Whatever we have on hand, even if it’s just a .223 we will take a shot.

  15. I don’t hunt anymore. I grew up with it. Also, have always known other hunters through my dad or FIL.

    So, if I didn’t get it, my dad or FIL didn’t get it, we could trade.

    Ate lots of venison, elk, rabbit, turkey and duck growing up.

    To this day, duck is my favorite meat.

    I really miss access to game meats since both my dad and FIL have passed.

    I also miss fresh caught fish.

  16. I grew up hunting. I’ve hunted big game, upland birds, waterfowl, and generally anything on the list for the area.

    What I use depends on what I’m hunting. Big game is usually a rifle, though I’ve gotten into bow hunting as well. Birds are usually a shotgun.

  17. I tend to hunt varmint with my .22 on occasions. Love me a good rabbit stew.

    I have tried hunting bigger game before but it’s a whole process and I just don’t have the time off work for it for the most part.

  18. I’ve hunted duck, goose, coyote and deer. The waterfowl I hunted using a Beretta A300. Coyotes have been a mix of AR’s and a 22-250 Ruger American. Whilst the deers have been with a mix of .308 and 30-06 rifles. But I’ve pretty much stopped since I moved now that I have no friends that hunt around here.

  19. Deer. Northern tier -rifle/shotgun, southern tier shotgun or pistol. Thats the law. At least in NY (not to say you cant use a pistol up north, you just dont need it. But you cant use rifle in southern tier)

  20. I have never been, no one in my family does. Some people I grew up with do but not really any of my current friend group. I have no desire to get into it, because I don’t want to shoot an animal and I think I would be bored out of my mind.

  21. I’m a hunter in spirit, though I haven’t gone in years. I used to go for grouse, ptarmigan, and rabbit with a 12-gage shotgun or a .22 LR. Went hunting for moose a few times using a 30-06, but it was just casual, after-work stuff that didn’t offer much chance of success.

    I may give it a more serious try now that I’m retired and have all kinds of time.

  22. Used a shotgun to go pheasant hunting (when visiting in a Midwest state)

    Would like to go again but things just haven’t lined up. A lot of people in my area go bow hunting for elk.

  23. Not me except for fishing once or twice. I don’t have an ethical objection to it so long as you actually eat the prey or give it to someone. In fact I rather think it more honorable than eating from a slaughterer in a way (the game knows you as an enemy and has a fair chance of escape). However I am a city person and that sort of thing isn’t part of my life.

  24. I don’t, but I live about a mile or two from a deer and turkey hunting preserve. Bow and rifle are both popular for deer. Shotgun far outweighs bow popularity for turkeys around here.

    One of these years I’m going to apply for an alligator license, though, if only just to say I have one.

  25. I hunt. Venison is very good for you and I like the taste of it. I enjoy hunting, shooting, fishing etc. It’s part of rural life.

    My main deer rifle is a Remington 742 Carbine in 30-06. I use a Remington 870 Wingmaster for Doves, Ducks, Turkey, and even Deer for a change up. You just have to switch out the chokes and barrel. I also inherited Black powder rifles from my Dad but I don’t hunt with them like he did. I’m also not great with a bow because I’ve never put int the time to practice.

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