What is a trait of yours you think is often overlooked?

  1. Maybe my kindness? People tend to think I’m a monster because I believe in being honest when communicating. But deep down I can be a softy.

  2. Always being on time and showing up. I always hate it when people:

    – cancel an hour before the meeting

    – arrive much later

    – don’t show up at all

    It’s not that difficult to do these 3 things, right? And I feel like most people hate it when others do this. I’m always on time, but no one seems to care or think about it.

  3. Compassion. Some people think it’s annoying and that I care so damn much about every creature’s right to live on this planet, but really they’re overlooking compassion, a trait that cannot possibly be seen as something you WOULDN’T want to have. It’s just being a good non selfish person.

  4. My athleticism. People tend to think I’n not fit since I’m somewhat of a smoker and did drugs for a while. I go to the gym 3-6 times a week and have some great stamina. Just because my muscles don’t show and my lifestyle probably doesn’t match the average gym goers doesn’t mean I’m not fit 🙂

  5. I don’t like small talk I am here to get shit done and leave. I wish people would stop seeing this as a flaw

  6. How hard I try to ask interesting questions and show genuine interest in other people in conversations. Feels like these days no one is listening to what you’re saying, but instead just waiting for their own turn to talk.

  7. I have a wicked sense of humor. I’m also very sweet and kind and people tend to notice this first. Takes a while for people to notice I’m funny, and love to tease people and can be quite sassy in a humorous way

  8. This gonna sound corny as hell, but my dedication to justice. I’m not a cop or lawyer or anything, but it’s important to me to do what’s just. It may not alway be right, but always what is justly fair. I believe everyone deserves equitable just and I go out of my way to make sure that this is the case, even for a stranger. I kind of hate myself for it because my conscience is very effing loud, and this means I hold myself back from doing things if I feel it isn’t just. In the same stead I often feel cheated if the system does not support what is equitably just, not just for me, but for others as well.

    Yes, I am an actually empath, and I think its trés ghetto😂

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