This is somewhat of an update to a previous post; [\_advice/comments/vzslke/she\_introduced\_me\_to\_her\_daughter\_but\_we\_havent/](


A couple of days after posting that, I saw her in the morning and invited me again for dinner. At around 5pm messaged me saying that her daughter was sick and she couldn’t make it. Fair enough, I thought. At around 10pm she was posting stories on her IG at a restaurant having drinks with a friend (female, if that makes any difference).

Obviously I was heartbroken and decided that I deserved better and moved on. For the next 2 weeks, we didn’t talk and I made sure to avoid her whenever I could.

Then one of her work colleagues told me that I should talk with her because she wasn’t in a good spot. Later that night I called her and we talked on the phone for about 2 hours and she told me what she was going through. During the conversation with her, I made sure to point it out that I was disappointed on what she had done previously and hence why I stepped away. She said she gets it and never actually said she was sorry.

From that point onwards, we probably talked about once or twice a week. Two weeks ago she goes on holidays and we don’t talk at all.

She came back to work on Monday and invited me out for dinner, I said sure but realistically in my mind we were not going anywhere. Until, she sent me a message saying she was ready and her address for me to pick her up. We went out, had a really great time together and it felt like when we initially started to see each other. Brought her back home and when I got home I had a message from her asking if I had made it safely, which I thought was pretty sweet of her.

The following day, I messaged her if she wanted to go see the sunset with me, she was onboard. I picked her up from work, took her home, she got changed and off we went. After that, we decide on eating out once again but this time she asks if I mind if her 3 year old daughter comes with us. To which I had no issue with, and this was actually the first time meeting her in person. It went great, at the end of the night she said she felt good being with me, she feels at peace with me and was surprised that I was okay with her bringing her daughter. I take them home, on the way home I get a message from her saying “Thank you for everything, from the bottom of my heart. No one has ever made me feel the way you make me feel”

Yesterday, she goes quiet again and we exchange a couple of messages but she replies with emojis or a word or two. Today I saw her again and asked if she wanted to do something tonight or tomorrow (as she’s off work tomorrow). She says that it’s going to rain tonight, so I should go home to avoid getting wet (at this point I’m confused as fuck, because it makes no sense what she’s saying) and tomorrow she’s going to sleep the entire day because she’s tired.

Fair enough, we don’t have to go out every day but it bugs my mind how we go from not talking, to going out twice then her not wanting to do anything and being quiet again.

I just don’t know what to do.

  1. You can’t leave someone who you were never in a relationship with. It’s time you realized that fact.

  2. I dated a girl like that for months.

    My only advice would be trust your deepest feelings.

    For me, in my guts, I knew it won’t work because I need someone ” active ” in the relationship and I felt that talking to her was mentally consuming. i was tired.

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