Rich men of Reddit: what problems could you not solve with your money?

  1. well i’m not rich, but my wife and her family are, we’ve been married 22 years this october.

    mental health needs tending and care. you can’t pay off phobias or anxieties. can’t bribe them to leave you alone.

    her parents nearly divorced back in 2004, they separated, but they were able to work it out. it wasn’t about finances. wealth can’t guarantee romantic happiness.


    health problems, obvi. you can get tests and screenings, but if you get cancer or HIV or something you have to get the same treatments everyone else does, there aren’t any “secret hospitals” out there despite what some people think.

    my mother in law had ovarian cancer back in 2011, and she got top care, but it wasn’t some Bond villain super-secret medical lair in switzerland or something.


    basic love/dating issues. it doesn’t make things any easier, and in some ways it makes it worse.

    my wife’s brother got so fed up with the situation that he drives a 2005 honda civic, wears very regular clothing, and keeps a 2-bedroom apartment near his house so the women he dates have no idea that he’s totally loaded. there’s no other way of trusting people he dates.

    it isn’t honest, but he tried the honest route and he kept attracting extremely toxic women.


    he got really sick of women glomming onto him. and sometimes gay guys would do the same thing, even though he’s not gay.

    he’s 38 and single, and because he was screwing around in his 20s and early 30s instead of looking for a forever-partner, he’s mostly stuck with well-off women his own age, and very few are single. or they’re divorced single moms, or goofy women in their mid-20s.

    now he wants to settle down, and he can’t find anyone suitable. he’s lonely as hell.

  2. wouldn’t say rich, but definitely very well off.

    The problems would be those we don’t yet have the technology to fix.

  3. As someone with depression & anxiety, I can honestly say that money does not make u happier, it can only make life easier.

  4. I can’t buy years to add to my life even if I have a lot of money. I can’t buy the people who I want like me. I can’t buy friends. I can’t buy peace of mind. Money can help only to an extent.

  5. No amount of money can bring back the people you’ve lost

    No amount of money can make someone truly love you

    No amount of money can give you talent you don’t possess

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