I don’t understand why is this even a problem. knowing how easy it is to fix. All I have to do is simply just “start doing it” nothing is holding me back. Doing a homework for example, I will try my absolute best to do it at the VERY LAST moment just before the deadline and when I “finish it” I convince myself that I fully understand the topic. Then teacher asks me couple of questions about the topic and I just stand there like a dumbass I go back home pissed because I was (get this) expecting THE BEST out of myself. I want to major in computer science and this is my last year in school I don’t want be completely unprepared and want to stand out from others. Instead of practicing programming, doing homework or generally getting better at something I play videogames and watch Youtube videos, periodically telling myself “Yea I will do it later or There is always tomorrow” Literally just wasting my whole day doing nothing productive. Then its time to go to bed, I close my laptop and think about me being unsuccessful in the future due to my present behavior. Ridiculous, the fact that I am writing all this text pisses me off even more. Like I am mocking myself at this point. What type of answer am I expecting anyway, I know very well that there is no magic word to get rid of my laziness or whatever it is. I am very afraid because I know that this minimal effort will backfire VERY badly one day and I will blame my present self for messing everything up. Oh and of course I want to “be the best” lmao I am very embarrassed and disappointed in myself.

  1. Been there. It sucks, but once you get a taste of how good it feels to have put in some work and enjoy the results in whatever form (grades, praise, positive feedback from peer or teachers) it motivates you to chase after it.
    Here’s a cool video about procrastination: https://youtu.be/arj7oStGLkU

  2. It’s good that you caught this now, instead of catching it when your work performance suffers. You’re piling on expectations that don’t work in this situation.

    You have to back off from trying to be the best, and start trying to be interested in fun questions and interesting challenges.

    The most talented engineers I know tend to be fairly humble, or they hit a weird mix between humble and cocky around things they have troubleshoot regularly.

    Treat it like a crossword, enjoy the puzzles of it.

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