what is so attractive about red hair, to yall?

  1. It must react with our subconscious and instantly gets an emotional reaction , but maybe it’s just due to the rarity so it has become unique or exotic.

  2. Natural redheads have great skin and freckles that make the hair even more prevalent. Plus the hair is often thick and luscious.

    Just completely appealing.

    Plus I’m half Irish, it’s genetic. 🤣

  3. Probably an evolution thing to a degree, women stand out more with red hair and our cave man brain goes “oh pretty color”

  4. 1. It looks nice

    2. Naturally occurring red hair is rare, so that makes it seem special.

  5. For one thing, the color red is a stimulant all by itself. Even restaurants use red in their decor in hopes of stimulating your desire to consume.

    Not to mention that if they have freckles too, then I’m about to go weak in the knees.

  6. I don’t know, it’s red and red works for me. Whatever, natural redheads (most of them look brown and not red to me tho), neon red or however you call it, dark red, any red at all, it just works usually. And it can be any girl, my eyes will glimpse over a crowd and see red hair before anything else. And if she’s a 4, with red hair she’d be a 5 ect. so it doesn’t only work for girls that are already hot but for most. And for some reason it’s mainly red, blue is so-so, works with some, doesn’t with others, purple is a nono, green is usually ugly (keep in mind this is only my personal opinions, not saying anything against girls with [color] hair), orange is horrible, blonde with tanned or dark skin is also bad, but red works with anybody. Pale, tanned, black, asian, latin ameeican, whatever, it just unexplainably works

    Which is strange because in other aspects of life red isn’t even in my top 5 favorite colors (I’d say top 10 but that would be stretching it far) and can only work well with ceretain combinations and scenarios, like I usually think red stuff and red accents would look better as white, blue or just black (especially in red-black combos, they never looked good and they surely don’t now when they’ve been overused to oblivion), it’s mainly the red hair that I love for some reason, but why? It will forever remain a mystery and honestly I’m fine with that

  7. Honestly, I don’t know. Red hair is nice, but I’m not drawn to it on a woman.

    Probably because I myself am a redhead. I already have all the red hair I need.

  8. I don’t know if it is because they themselves know about their appeal as redheads but they tend to take the concept of “fiery” to both their figurative and literal meaning to the fullest.

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