Hey everyone, just wanted some second opinions about my current situation.

Lil back story, her and I met in the summer and began to know each other for a little bit, fast forward to the beginning of college (re beginning). We start to spend time together quite frequently, and it was mutual on both ends, not just one party chasing another.

Then one day, we spent the entire afternoon together. When this day came around, I was thinking that she was sending signals that she liked me but wasn’t so sure. Anyways, I decided to test my theory out, and low and behold we ended up cuddling on the couch for hours together that afternoon.

Well…. fast forward to this week. We hang out at the beginning of the week, and I know she has a lot of school to do because she had fallen behind on her classes. I ended up texting her once, calling her once, and then snap chat throughout this week and zero response. (Just streaks on snapchat but she has always responded and i have been left on delivered for two days).

I ended up seeing her on campus once and we hugged each other and was just like hey cause we both had to run to classes. So it wasn’t awkward or weird or she wasn’t trying to avoid me.

My question is what do I do in this situation? Should I pursue anything or just let it be?

TLDR; Girl and I have been hanging out and spending a lot of time together. Ended up “making my move” and it was reciprocated well. But now, she hasn’t said anything to me this past week except for when I saw her once on campus (and everything seemed normal).

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