what causes you to really pursue a woman for a relationship ?

  1. Any time it has ever happened to me it has been an almost instant feeling like someone turned on the “mate with her asap” switch. Men are very visual creatures. Sometimes you’re attractive to us and we are like “oh she’s gorgeous but whatever not interested” and sometimes our brain sees something in the female physical form that literally puts the woman front and center on our priority list. It becomes our brains main mission to interact with the woman and feel her out. Her personality and fart smells become the deciding factors some time later lol.

  2. Feeling valued by them just as a person and not for something I can provide to them, be that my money, time, personal skills or personality.

    Someone with no expectations for you except that you’ll stay true to yourself is something I find very comforting, and honestly that’s all I expect of a partner as well. I hope I can make that work with someone someday.

  3. I love romance and would like to find someone to spend my life with. I also would like to be sexually active but feel more comfortable being in a relationship with a partner than not.

  4. If they are sexually attractive to me, our personalities mesh well, and she possesses those qualities I am looking for in a partner.

    It is like going through a preflight checklist. The less boxes you check off… the more likely it will just crash and burn later.

  5. I take it slow, I be nice to her and when I feel comfortable I ask for her number and take things from there.

  6. Nothing. Pursuing a woman is dangerous and unlawful in a lot of ways. You don’t want to get tagged a creep or have her flip out and call the cops on you. Never “really pursue” a woman, ever.

  7. Pursuing a woman only pushes her further away from you. Focus on improving yourself and they’ll come.

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