Follow up question from a similar one posted yesterday.

  1. I earn about £2800 a month, wife earns £1100. I put £1200 into the joint account and she puts £500. That covers mortgage, bills and food but I pay for the car myself.

  2. Going to need more detail before we get off track.

    What do we mean by household bills? Are we considering things like food, pets or children in there or just housing + taxes and utilities?

  3. At the moment, anywhere between 15-20% goes on rent, with household bills to be ~15%. All together my rent + every bill etc I have is ~50% of my income.

    Once I’ve purchased a property, it’ll be more like 28% on mortgage, but still saving 40-50% of my income.

  4. Up to last year around 80% of after tax income for rentleccygaswater, food went on credit cards

    Not sure how much I’m gonna earn this year but potentially 2-3x what it was, so now considerably less %

  5. Between us, take home is around £4K per month – our monthly outgoings including bills, mortgage, car, food is around £2k.

  6. I earn 1700 a month, wife earns 1850. Totalling 3550 a month.

    Council tax, rent, water, energy, internet and tv, car tax and insurance; comes to 1245, or 35% of our income.

    But that’s ignoring the 800 we spend on paying off
    Credit cards and the loan for the new car.

    Include that in and that’s 58% of our income gone before buying petrol and food

  7. In London, in a DINK household. House mortgage is 8.5% but thinking of moving and it’ll doubtless go up! Utility bills are around 1%. This is gross income though.

  8. About a third of my income goes to mortgage and bills.
    My wife has struggled finding a permanent job as a teacher since we moved, but once she’s sorted we’ll be splitting it down the middle.
    We’re fortunate that it’s just us, we don’t have kids or pets at this time.

  9. Live on my own, work two days a week and I’m at uni the other five.

    60% goes on rent, 25% goes on electric, 15% on food, clothes etc. Student finance goes on petrol to get to uni and my car payments in general plus any extra costs that crop up.

  10. Mortgage is zero and then we dump about 1000 each into an account to cover bills.

    We have no debt, no cars and no children and a modern energy efficient house so bills are not high.

  11. I get paid to live where I do and all bills included. Work full time and have 100% disposable income.

  12. Currently 27% but going to move shortly and it will go up to around 40% (but I’m moving out of a flatshare so its worth it!)

  13. About 45% of our take home is all our fixed bills which includes car payments and loan payments as well as the usual utilities and mortgage payments. If one of us couldn’t work we could move some stuff about and still afford a roof over our heads which is reassuring.

  14. About 45% but I have a very low rent for being a single person in my area – that includes rent, council tax, utilities, car (necessary for where I live, tax, MOT and maintenance costs) and Internet. Doesn’t include petrol, phone, food and everything extra.

  15. Weirdly, Theres not many here that are anywhere near 50% so what does the extra money go on? Savings I assume and a bit of discretionary spending?

  16. I am currently living in a three bed flat and we all pay £150 a month on our bills each, we went for a set price for our energy just due to all the increases !

  17. I love with my dad and brother.
    I’m on £35,500
    Little bro on £55,000 if he gets his bonuses, which he usually does
    Dad – if he gets the rent money from my mum about £20k cash (equivalent to 30k before taxes/NI?)
    100k house income.
    No rent or mortgage as that’s paid off.
    £300 a month for electric and gas? Not too sure about council tax as my dad pays that.
    I pay about £40 a week for food shopping for the house, my dad might do £30 a week.
    Brother pays £30 a month for internet, and then the bins etc.

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