Hello! I have a though time at social gatherings, such as team buildings, where I don\`t really know the other people. I a am outgoing, have friend but when I meet a big group all at once and there are patry s I just can\`t really blend in. I had really horrible teen years due to bad school environment. I managed to get over it, I have friends, I learned to be good with women, but when it comes to “partying” I just can\`t get the hang of it. The funny part is that I like it, I\`m just not so good at it. Do you have any advice?

  1. This is a great “fake it til you make it” situation. Meaning, watch how other people behave at these gatherings and then copy them. Walk around, smile, if you see a group having a conversation, go join the group. You don’t need to say much, just smile, laugh at the jokes, etc. You managed to get over those awkward school years, you can do this too!

  2. If joining in on an entire group’s conversation is difficult, start out by initiating fun conversations with just 1 or 2 people at a time. When you get better at the party-aspect of being social, you’ll have fun comments to throw in in a group setting more easily.

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