Hello I’m a 23 year old female and my boyfriend is also 23. We’ve been together for over a year. So I realized today that I have a yeast infection but I’m afraid to tell him because I don’t want him to judge me… What should I do? He’s going to want to have sex when we hang out but idk how to tell him and if I just reject him then he’ll know somethings odd or he might take it personal

Edit: Also, I just wanted to add.. I understand yeast infections are super common for women. But I feel like most guys don’t understand that and think of it as an STI or STD. He always compliments me on how good my hygiene is and I don’t want him to think I’m dirty or something for this.

  1. Yeast infections are just part of life. If he doesn’t understand that. You might tell him that.

    They are not the same thing as a STI.

    If you are 23 years old and having sex, you are old enough to be honest about issues of sex and health.

  2. would he judge you for saying you are having a period? how is a yeast infection different, its a thing that just happens by itself sometimes

  3. Just tell him. Also, he could potentially contract it from you if you have unprotected sex while you have it.

  4. I believe that this is a learning opportunity for him to learn how vaginas work. Quite a few men have very poor education on how vaginas work. I personally had some amazing partners in my teens and 20s that informed me and I am greatful. It’s actually helped me as a parent.

    I’d pull up a few websites and make it a learning moment.

    “Hey, so … How much did you know about the delicate balance of the vagina?”

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