I work at a grocery store where I live at and lately I’ve been catching feelings for a coworker. We’ve been working together for over a year now and she’s always had a flirty personality. But lately it’s gotten to the point where she follows me and leans on me when she can. I don’t know if she’s just being nice or if she’s in to me. She’s asked me to help her with her classes and I’ve helped her with a couple of projects and she complements me sometimes just saying that I look good in a photo. I’m so confused because I can’t take hints and they go completely over my head. I don’t know what to do I’m too scared to ask her out because the last co worker I asked out she was planning on going on a pitty date with me because she didn’t like me. Please help

1 comment
  1. Leaning on and trying to spend time with you sounds like good signs. Go for it. Ask her out

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