When was that point in your relationship that you knew your significant other was toxic?

  1. When being with em feels like a job. Constant struggle to keep up with their expectations and stuff.

  2. When he refused to talk to not one, but three of our mutual friends that he had an issue with. All at separate times during the relationship.

  3. When he was always jealous of me talking to other men even if they were customers at work like it was my job to do.

    He was cheating on me the whole time 🤙🏻

  4. When he’d try to manipulate me by making me feel insecure about: the way I look and if he was looking at other women (joke’s on me, he already was lol).

  5. When I told him my cousin was diagnosed with cancer and his response was “you’re just full of good news today”

  6. When he got angry with me for not texting him back and forth during a staff meeting I was taking minutes at WHILST seated next to my boss 🙁

  7. I was slow to realise… in the end I was with an abusive man (I think). But I finally realised when I had an unplanned pregnancy and he told me if I didn’t get an abortion I would have an ‘accident’ and fall down the stairs.

    But it should have been earlier: when he gave a framed picture of himself to my mum for a present on the first time he met her. Or told me how he ‘played’ (tormented) with stray animals as a kid.

    Since then I have learnt a lot (therapy and podcasts) about red flags and why people ignore them.

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