Is there some behavior, norm, way of being or doing, anything.. in our world that makes you feel a high level of cringe? What about it evokes that feeling?

  1. being called baby, sweety,honey, sweetheart, sugar etc

    basically being called terms of endearment by men i am not in a relationship with

    i guess overfamiliarity/ forced familiarity

    gets on my nerves

  2. Pick me girls. That type of girls who are always act up in front of men (yes this is a thing in adulthood too) and drag you down if they feel like it so they will get to shine. My favourite is when clearly noone likes them but this still end up being pushy and butting in every group/conversation were other women talking to men. Meh… And some me pick them cause they are an easy play.

  3. ‘Get rich quick influencers’

    They’ll explain how getting rich is just about your *mindset*.

    People have mental illnesses, physical alignments, debts, and obligations (such as being a caretaker for a parent or sibling). Some people don’t even have access to clean drinking water. Yet they say it’s all about mindset?

  4. i can’t stand to be around people are obsessive about social media, especially their own content, and can’t put their phone down

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