When you notice a really good-looking dude, what’s the first thing you think?

  1. I will admit that I am quite the fan of “Don’t Trust the B in Apartment 23” and think it was cancelled way way way too early and suffered from being aired out of order.

    But now, whenever I see a beautiful man, I now [become June](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2R2pFk7dAZ4)

    My spouse even will sing this song when he sees me lookin lol, and it still makes us laugh

  2. I would love to deal with you guys. Usually I have to deal with people resenting me for my looks

    The typical response from men is they want to be around me – albeit usually not for the right reasons. I pick up on subtle hints of jealousy, sabotage, resentment, judgement, “copy-cat” behaviour etc. It’s very hard to be friends with other men. When their partners are around, they get extremely protective. They’re always thinking I’m some kind of villain it seems

    This is generally why good looking men are “ladies men”. Women react much more positively to an attractive man than other men do. But apparently Reddit will tell you different haha

  3. *He’s fucking hot! Don’t know if I’d fuck him, though.*


    *Damn, he’s hot, I’d so fuck him!*

    I’m bi-curious, so I don’t really know that much about sexual experiences with guys, or girls for that matter either, but my imagination is often wild.

  4. Jealousy, I’ve been called pretty boy etc. so when an actual pretty boy comes along I get super mad. Haha

  5. I’m straight but I can recognise male attractiveness when I see it. But seriously nothing really comes in my head when I see a good looking guy, I just recognise he is better looking than the rest and leave it at that.

  6. I can give a different account on my end; granted different dudes and situations but perhaps another perspective.

    A buddy of mine that I worked with was considered very attractive and the ladies would flock around more frequently when he was around or we went out after work. My only problem in these situations was being in some sort of afterthought attention that I didn’t ask to be a part of. Women talking to me that normally wouldn’t in an attempt to get him jealous when he started talking to someone else, or trying to pretend to befriend me in order to get closer to him. I even told one that weren’t besties, I was mostly there to be DD and get him home safe if he didn’t go home with someone else and she just went “oh cool” and just walked over to him and shot her shot directly.

    After a handful of these outings, I only hung out with him at work or with the boys only to avoid being “the ugly roommate you have to get through to get to the pretty one. (Something that happens to a few ladies as well.)

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