How many hours do you get to the airport before a flight?

  1. I like to get to the airport two hours prior, and that’s without checking in a bag. I only do carry-on, less hassle.

  2. Two hours if it’s early in the morning, three if it’s at a reasonable hour.

  3. I try not to get there more than 1 hour before boarding because I have TSA Pre and don’t check bags.

    Even with only an hour I find myself always waiting around for about 40 minutes to board. However, if it’s a super important flight or for a big, international trip I’ll give myself 2.

  4. Depends on the flight, time of day, and the airport.

    For an international flight, it’s always three hours.

    For a domestic flight between an hour and a half and two hours. Factors include: time of day (the airport near my parents is super busy in the morning, but not in the afternoon or evening, so security in the morning is usually at least 30 mins), size of airport (smaller airport means less time), whether or not I can check in online, and whether or not I need to eat in the airport.

  5. 2 unless it’s international or at a peak time or a particular airport I want to explore

  6. At least two hours, I like to have the time to go through security and customs, fill up my water bottle and grab a light meal or a smoothie before my flight.

  7. 3-4. Gotta get through security and i feel better knowing im though and all ready to get on the plane so i wont miss it.

  8. 2-3 hours depending on the size of the airport and the booking recommendation. There’s always plenty of time to spare, but I’d much rather be early and wait an hour or two than miss my flight.

  9. 3 hours.

    30-60 minutes from getting to the airport until you can actually get to your terminal and out of the car.

    30-45 minutes to get checked in and check luggage.

    30-45 minutes for security.

    So I either get to chill at the gate for 15 minutes before boarding starts, or I get over an hour of time to chill.

    I’ve only lived near shitty airports with wild variations in wait times =\

  10. 2 hours. It leaves an hour (on bad days) to get through check-in/security, and an hour to have a drink or two at the bar closest to the gate.

    International, 3 hours. Allows more time for getting through, and more time to drink at the bar, because if I’m traveling internationally, I’m on vacation.

  11. Small airports? Two. Large airports? Two and a half to three.

    I fly to visit family. I fly out of Salt Lake, which no longer qualifies as a small airport with the new construction, and their security is a nightmare. I plan for longer times to get through security, and to walk the ridiculous long tunnel to the gate. When I fly back home, it’s usually out of a small airport, and I can get through security, pee, and to my gate in half an hour. I still plan for the recommended two hours because of my time anxiety, but don’t worry if it starts to cut down to closer to 90 minutes. I recently had a layover in Dallas, and I have to say I loved their airport with the train to get between gates. Far superior to the ridiculous walks (or runs) I’ve made across O’Hare.

  12. If it was up to me i’ll be there 2hours before, but my parents drop me off 2 days early

  13. If I’m flying out of the airport closes to me, we try to get there about 15 minutes before boarding. It’s a small airport and we have precheck so that is usually enough. Otherwise, 2 hours before the flight.

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