what kind of girls/women do you like?

  1. I’m into short & petite women, obviously it’s not a must, if she has a gorgeous face & personality to match it makes me want to know her more, but if I had a ‘type’ it’s short & petite, nice little boobs & a bit of an arse, yum. 😍

  2. Rough around the edges?

    My three longest relationships were with a farm overseer, a CBP officer, and a corrections nurse (and I married the nurse). My myriad bad decisions in my early twenties were with similar women.

    Foul-mouthed, independent, hardworking, unsentimental, wears jeans / T-shirt / ballcap, likes guns, listens to “I Killed My Ex” crazy white girl country music, etc.

    Not exactly the type that I envisioned, but they seem to like me, and I like ’em back.

  3. Authentic, weird, good-humored. Has some kind of obsession or passion project.

    Physically, it varies. I like women of virtually any height; I don’t have any strong racial preferences. I find different body and facial features attractive relative to other features. I can be partial to wider hips or larger/gigantic bust sizes (saggy or perky, doesn’t matter) if I have to give a concrete answer.

    In high school, I had a classmate who had pretty serious acne, was kind of bow-legged, and had a semi-thick Russian accent combined with a mousy voice. But she had ridiculously neat handwriting and kind-looking eyes, and I found her very attractive.

  4. Nerdy is the most important qaulity for me

    Ideally an artist too

    I pretty much only play video games and I spend a lot of time discussing them so I need a person who doesn’t mind listening to me talk about them all day

    Artist is kinda a must too that way we are both driven by the same things in life

    Appreciation for animation and Disney.
    Manga and anime

    The whole shabang

    I think you should date in your social circle and my table at school was the one where dudes wore Naruto headbands and talked about hentai while showing off their anime drawings and talking about TF2

  5. A want a girl who is nerdy, sporty with a high sex drive. Somebody I can watch anime with and then go on a moderate hike or to the gym with.

    She is intelligent, loving and loyal. Not afraid to give me shit every now and then. She has a job that is fulfilling to her.

    Pretty much a chick version of me.

  6. For now on I’m going to give the same answer “every single time” this question is asked.




  7. As a person: someone who’s a bit of a nerd, just enough so we have some movies/shows to watch together and maybe able to play games together. I like when people know what they want/like (in terms of life goals and in the bedroom). Someone who is sex positive, by this I mainly want to feel comfortable discussing sexual desires even if we don’t act them out. Ideally they’d have an understanding of anxiety and depression so we can support each other if needed.

    Physically: I like women who are slightly chubby and I’m more drawn to above average sized breasts and butts. I love tattoos and coloured hair but that doesn’t mean I dislike natural hair too.

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