How many times in a day do you actively think and adjust your posture?

  1. When I read this I was sitting like a shrimp, thank you for reminding me.

    I don’t do it as often as I should.

  2. Not enough, I REALLY NEED to work on my core. Seriously, keep your core in check my friends, don’t let it go because it’s a lot harder when you’re older.

  3. Constantly. It’s not something I ever bothered with but I’ve been doing reformer pilates for about a year now and posture is important. Im always conscious of it now.

  4. Everytimes my wife dont clean floor and I have seen this, I take out the flintlock for disiplinning. Posture ajust when I see more wife to make for me marriage and I want look strong and big for them.

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