What will you do when you finally beat your depression?

  1. Laugh. Wake up laughing, laugh during breakfast, smile while working, share a few light hearted jokes in the afternoon, and generally see life as all good.

  2. Live a few years longer than if I hadn’t. Maybe avoid getting a frown line. Be glad when people ask me, “what’s wrong??” Or “why are you mad??” Less.

  3. I already beat it I think. Life without suicidal thoughts are actually pretty relaxing and chill. I can spend more time on things without that annoying voice.

  4. Have a great time with friends and family amd do all the things a love or even like without thinking of dieing

  5. All I can say is it won’t matter, you’ll be busy actually living and enjoying.

    Depression is harsh and I’m glad we can overcome it, sometimes it feels like wasted time but what matters is that you’re no longer in that horrible state.

  6. There’s no such thing as a cure for depression. 🙄 it’s a mental illness, they don’t just go away. It’s the left part of your brain that isn’t functioning well. All the therapy & meds are useless.

  7. I always imagine I’d start randomly singing again. I used to do it all the time but it just stopped 6-7 years ago.

  8. I mean it’s a life long thing so I’m always having little wins and losses but I know I’ve made a win in moments I feel truly joyful and when I do things I know I couldn’t have accomplished in a slump like full body maintenance or cleaning

  9. I dont think it’s possible to beat- its just a thing like I am partially deaf or have allergies in spring. I can lessen the effects it has on my life but it’s medical, weird connections in the brain. I’ll probably just be more productive and happier. Would need to fix the anxiety too though lol.

  10. I don’t like to think this way, because depression is a chronic condition, and if I waited until I no longer felt depressed to do anything fun or important, I might never get there.

    Even people who are actively depressed can achieve things and deserve to have fun and interesting experiences, regardless of whether or not they ever “get better.”

  11. i don’t think i ever will. it’s chronic, but only shows up periodically.

    so i basically just make the best of it. i’ve come to accept there will always be bad weeks or even months, but they don’t define me.

  12. I’ve had a long time where I felt like I had beaten it and was genuinely,blissfully happy, sadly it was just dormant and the last couple of years have been a struggle for me mental health wise.
    I’m getting through it though and am feeling a lot better than I was!.

  13. I don’t think I’ll ever actually best it, but learning how to live with it has been making it easier to sleep, wake up, connect with friends, etc

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