What will be your reaction if your SO turns vegan and won’t ever handle/cook meat?

  1. I’d seriously reconsider the relationship, maybe stay, maybe not.

    Edit; Assuming it was for “moral” reasons, I understand the knee jerk reaction to not want to eat animals but because they’re cute, but I personally don’t see a problem with raising animals to be eaten, I do have a problem with how many of them are treated and the conditions they are in, so I’d be down to cut back on meat and go for more humane sources of meat.

  2. I’d be supportive of her decision and try to eat less meat around her to show I give a shit. It’s not like I eat steak every other day as it is.

  3. I’d cook meat for myself, and sides dishes. She can have the side dishes 😛 But no, I’d just make her things that didn’t have meat in them. Pasta with meatballs. Except I’d cook the meatballs separate and only put them in my pasta. Maybe I make a turkey sandwich that I toast with butter in a pan. Make her a grilled cheese & tomato soup. The list goes on. She’ll also be a cheaper date, as meat is usually the higher priced items at restaurants.

  4. Initial reaction would be a “what have you done with my wife?” type of shock because currently she has no inclinations towards a vegetarian or vegan diet. But ultimately I would be fine with it so long as she didn’t become vehemently protesting my choices. I could certainly stand to eat less meat but I’d have trouble giving up cheese and eggs.

  5. My wife turned vegan years ago but she’s really good at cooking, so the vegan meals she makes actually taste quite good.
    I cook meat for myself when she’s away (e.g. on a business trip), and I often (but not always) eat meat when we’re eating out.

  6. Fine as long as she doesn’t go crazy “No meat in my household” etc which you can expect happening at some point.

    Best to walk away

  7. Great, I’m already vegan so that makes it easy

    Also for those that don’t know, eating animals and animal products greatly contributes to some of the leading causes of death such as heart disease, diabetes, and some cancers. It also can cause erectile dysfunction.

    Eating vegan is the best diet to have for the planet, your health, and the welfare of animals. Research “blue zones”. They are areas around the world where the people live the longest. Extensive studies have been done on them and one thing they had in common is they eat very little or no meat.

  8. Happened here, she doesn’t mind me eating meat (i don’t eat a lot of meat anyway) and her cooking is almost always on point. Last week she made a delicious dairy-free cheesesauce, cashew-based. We don’t really do meat-substitutes, just more veg and if i really want meat i can cook it myself no problems.

    The only challlenge is that she developed a lactose intollerance, that stuff is in almost everything.

  9. I’m perfectly fine cooking for myself, so her not cooking for me won’t be an issue. If she has a problem with me eating meat – well, then we’d better split.

  10. This happened to my mate. His wife became a protesting, militant vegan. Spunked all their savings by giving it to charities, always out protesting and harrasing passers by, gave the kids grief and had screaming fits if they went out and didnt have the vegan choice (vegetarian wasnt good enough). Had to have her own fridge/freezer/ plates. Shes fucked off now, and theyre all much happier.

  11. It’s not a realistic situation that my wife would stop cooking meat for me. I’ve dated a couple of vegan women in the past, and they’ve offered to cook me steak and other meat based meals. I asked one of them why she’d do that, her answer was “because she knew I liked it”. I doubt my so would stop cooking meat for me.

  12. That’s fine. It’s her choice what she puts in her body. I don’t eat much meat anyway, and try to limit myself to what myself or my friends/family can harvest/raise. That said, it won’t stop me from eating what little meat I still do.

  13. Babe…what the hell are you doing in the kitchen? You don’t know how to cook and i don’t have the time or patience to teach you right now.

    And it’s all true, she is useless in the kitchen to me. Unhelpful, she just gets in the way. If she wanted to be vegan…that’s fine, i have some great vegan recipes that i LOVE. And meat substitutes that taste like the real thing.

  14. We tried this for a week. On day 4 – I wanted to eat my arm. Never again, especially after learning the negative effects of tofu on men.

  15. Separate. Meat is a large portion of my diet so I won’t change my entire lifestyle for just one person. Nothing against them but it just isn’t realistic

  16. That’s a breach of company policy in my relationships. Being Vegan is a deal breaker for me.

    That’s a tough conversation, but I’ve tried dating a vegan before, as a meat eater and a man who doesn’t like to be lectured every other meal, that’s a HARD pass.

    Most of the people I know who chose this later in life are the ones who try and convert you. The people I’ve met who grew up that way or it’s part of their religion or something , those vegans are totally chill about it.

    Something about the converts that make it cultish

  17. I’d probably leave her.

    Look, I’ve been shitposting on the internet for years. I’ve gotten into heated arguments with all types of people. Back in 2008, I was arguing with fundamental Christians and right-wingers all day; nowadays, I argue with atheists and lefties whenever I feel like it. That being said, the stupidest person I’ve ever argued with was a vegan and that is a crown that seems like it will never, ever be snatched away.

  18. The reason why matters a lot. Medical issue? No problem. And are they being responsible to get all of the nutrients they need?

    If their reason for doing it is frivolous and they’re not doing the work to understand their needs then we’re having a talk. I’m cool with supporting goals, but that’s something else.

  19. Tell her I understand and accept your new life style choice, I will get the divorce papers tonight.

  20. I’d just cook myself lol. If she’s a good cook, I’d be totally willing to try some vegan options and cut back on meat. Don’t think I’d give it up completely. The only issue I see arising is if she goes and bans meat in the house. Then it’s an issue

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