Guy said this while breaking up with me after 8months of dating. “Like I said, you’re a wonderful person but we’d be great as friends”

Does he really mean by saying I’m wonderful person? I was expecting our relationship to be exclusive, but he didn’t. But he says he’ll be there for me if I ever need anything.

But I haven’t reached out after his text. He still watches my instagram stories and likes my post.

  1. When a break up happens many times someone think they weren’t enough or they did something wrong. He is letting you know that you are enough, you did nothing wrong, in fact.. you are wonderful. Just that he is ready to move on.

  2. >Does he really mean by saying I’m wonderful person? I was expecting our relationship to be exclusive, but he didn’t. But he says he’ll be there for me if I ever need anything.

    Perhaps… time will tell.

    If he didn’t want to be exclusive after 8 months of dating than he could merely be trying to avoid burning bridges, in the hopes that you’d come back and tolerate the open relationship.

  3. If you believe he’s being honest about not wanting a committed relationship, it’s just that. He thinks you’re a great person but isn’t interested in the same type of romantic relationship so friends would be an acceptable solution for him to fix that disconnect and let you both move on romantically. Knowing that, you do get to choose if you want to be friends or just cut things off.

    If you don’t believe he’s being honest, then he didn’t like something about you and doesn’t think the relationship would work. He used this as a gentler way to let you down. (At least in his mind)

    Also, don’t read into the Instagram thing. It probably doesn’t mean anything more than your posts come up on his feed and he likes/watches most friends’ posts that go by.

  4. Just move on, girls have been giving me that line and keep watching my stories. I bet he will no longer make plans with you. Unless you initiate it

  5. Sounds like he means it even though you’re a wonderful person is so generic.

    Either way do you want to be his friend, and if you do become friends, how comfortable would you feel?

  6. He did you a favor. He isn’t hindering you and holding you back from greater things. He sees you are wonderful but he knows that he isn’t ready for you and he may never be. He most likely wants to be in your life in some capacity so he doesn’t lose you but he couldn’t commit at this time.
    Take the blessing and some time for yourself. Then get over him and move on. Don’t pay attention to him liking your stories. If you think it’s too hard, remove him so he can’t see them.

  7. He really meant it, trust me.
    If he tells you, you deserve better.
    Well yea you deserve better, and he knew he didn’t deserve u and he DOESN’T want to be better to deserve you!! So move on, you will find someone better :)))

  8. Pretty sure he means what he said. You’re a wonderful person, but it’s not working out. It’s not because of something you did. It’s just not…happening for him.

    Probably a good thing because who wants someone who is not all in?

  9. Tell him to give you a real reason why he’s breaking up with you. 8 months is too long for that bs

  10. It means he’s not interested in you romantically, but thinks you’re better suited as friends. Don’t read too deeply into it. If you’re not interested in a relationship that is purely platonic you ought to tell him and then move on.

  11. He’s breaking up with you in the nicest way possible. Which would you prefer, you are a wonderful person and I would like to be friends but I don’t want to date you. Or would you prefer you’re pretty boring I don’t find you attractive and I want to sleep with other girls. You decide.

  12. When people don’t blame you, believe them. From my experience when there’s a deeper reason, it comes out during the breakup 99% of the time

  13. so you dated for 8 months, and then he let you down gently? with a lets be friends. fair enough. but honestly the mention about you being exclusive and him not being. may have been his concern. my suggestion? contact him back and talk things out. if that doesnt work? well just keep looking.

  14. There’s something about you that he doesn’t like, but he’s not going to tell you because he doesn’t want to hurt your feelings. Or he’s a coward.

  15. As others have said, this may seem like too simple of an answer, but it doesn’t mean that it’s not THE answer and a pretty straight forward one.

    He sounds like he doesn’t want you to dwell on thoughts like “what went wrong” or “what could have been done better?” when there was nothing wrong with you. Speaking as a person who was in his exact position in my last relationship, sometimes that’s just how things are. Honestly, if your post was from a guy talking about a lady, I’d think you were my ex writing this, so I want to assure you that sometimes things just don’t work for any discernable reason. Could be more to it, but it might do no good for him to go into details when none of them are a fault, but are just an incompatibility.

    With my ex, he was a great guy! Handsome, a total gentleman and sweet but when it really came down to the fundamentals, I asked myself could I see a forever with him? Would I want to have kids with him? Would I want to build a life with him? Everything was met with a resounding “NO”. At that point, holding on to a relationship with him would have been a waste of opportunity to us both because I would have been settling with him simply because he “did nothing wrong” and he would have been settled for by a woman who couldn’t love him back like he deserved.

    Take this as the guy letting you go so you can invest in someone who wants to be your forever instead of someone who doesn’t.

  16. I’m going through something similar. The guy i dated literally went to Paris with me then calls it off saying he just doesn’t feel anything for me.

    It hurts but whatever his reason is, it doesn’t matter. ure the only person who can give yourself closure.

    I believe if someone wants to leave, let them. Love is worth fighting for, but not when you’re the only one fighting

  17. I mean it’s been 8 months, there are a lot of things that could have happened

    A few years ago, I broke it off with someone after 6 months, because after 3 months of being together, she had become so so clingy, along with drama (clingy related), I felt suffocated & told her she’s a wonderful person but we must stay friends. Now, I also like her IG posts & stories. It’s been 5 years since then

  18. No, he didn’t mean you are wonderful. It’s just a way to absolve himself of guilt. Don’t take it personally though. Just work on yourself to raise your status in the dating world and truly become too wonderful for him.

  19. It’s one of those moments that requires you to be based. If a chick said that to me I’d never talk to them again or show them any kind of attention let alone entertain the idea of being friends. I know it’s different for women vs men. But he’s pretty much saying he’s found better poon to hit and definitely doesn’t want to be tied down by you. Women don’t risk their dignity as much when they play along with this because of gender dynamics and such but I’d say in this case you should no reply and lose his number cuz in reality women still look like chumps when they accept a dude saying this kind of shit to them. It’s all fluff and he’s pretty much just sugar coating the fact ur not the one cuz he wants bang other girls

  20. It’s okay my friend I’ve been in similar situations like this but remember things like this are always going to happen to all of us and you just have to push through and then eventually your going to come across an great individual where to the point your going to think about this situation and laugh it off ! So don’t let it bother you I’m sure your an wonderful person with an great heart so just remember it’s going to be okay, this person just isn’t for you !! So keep your head up high and keep moving forward 💜

  21. Sometimes the other person is great. But still not the best fit. Maybe not completely compatible. Goals, lifestyle, expectations, needs. Maybe he’s not ready to settle down and be exclusive.

  22. honestly, that’s the last line some people use to break up. if you are wonderful, why stay friends?

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