How do you prepare for major disasters?

  1. A huge army backpack for each of us with all of our important papers, a radio, rations, first aid kit, survival gear, fire steel, esbit cooker, water, stuff for our cats etc
    Having food and water stored at home in case of need.

    And knowing how to get to a safe spot in the nearby woods. There is an old bunker nearby.

  2. I have a 3-day emergency kit it includes- water, food, batteries, flashlight, a knife, clothes, a reading book, matches, duct tape, plastic bag, whistle, first aid kit, manual can opener, radio, cash, mask, hand sanitizer, wrench, food and water for my dogs, and a leash for my dog

  3. I was living in Florida in 2004 when Charley, Frances, Ivan & Jeanne blew through. We stayed for Charley, got supplies, candles, non perishables… that storm did a ton of damage. When Frances was coming, we decided to evacuate to my uncle’s in South Carolina. We packed up important documents, clothes and just left. After that, everyone but my mother left Florida and moved back up north, she decided to stay, kept saying she “doesn’t like cold weather”. She’s in Orlando right now, direct path of Hurricane Ian. She called my brother and I panicking, we told her to pack up and come back to Pennsylvania. She said no, because it’s in the 40’s here right now. Moral of the story is not everyone “prepares” for a major disaster the same way.

  4. We’re pretty accustomed to hurricanes and the aftermath. We have a generac generator and we don’t get carpet. That’s about all we can do in Louisiana. If a hurricane wants our house, guess we’re going to Texas for a while

  5. I have a solid plan to become not a doomsday prepper but a doomsday raider…I’m going to track all of the preppers underground bunkers plug their air holes and steal all their stuff.

  6. Buy extra groceries, make sure there are batteries for all of the flashlights, pack extra ice into the freezer (I’ll move it into the refrigerator if we lose power to keep the refrigerator stuff colder longer).

  7. The disaster most likely to hit where I currently live is a snow blizzard, getting really cold and knocking out power.

    I go camping/backpacking regularly, so just having that equipment and some food stores in the pantry means I am good for a few days until I get power back.

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