Men of Reddit, what movie scenes do you find romantic?

  1. In no particular order, I love…

    The ballroom dance scene in Joe Wright’s Anna Karenina.

    Every interaction between Cecilia and Robbie in the beginning part of Atonement (also Joe Wright).

    The entire Before Trilogy, but especially inside Celine’s apartment at the end of the second film.

    Hawkeye and Cora in The Last of the Mohicans… every time they get to have a quiet conversation in private.

    Portrait of a Lady on Fire is just balls-to-the-wall romantic tension.

    I’d hate to leave out Joe Wright (/s), so I better mention Pride & Prejudice.

    Cary Grant and Audrey Hepburn had some great scenes in Charade.

    Audrey Hepburn and William Holden had some great scenes in Paris When it Sizzles.

    Audrey Hepburn and Humphrey Bogart…

    Audrey Hepburn and George Peppard…

    Audrey Hepburn and Rex Harrison…

    Audrey Hepburn and Fred Astaire…

    Audrey Hepburn and Gregory Peck…

    Audrey Hepburn and Albert Finney…

    Maybe I’m just really into Audrey Hepburn and Joe Wright.

  2. Nobody’s going with the bow scene in Titanic?

    Pottery turning scene from Ghost.

    Also the beginning of Pixar’s Up till it gets sad.

  3. Does Dominic Toretto and Brian O’Connor bantering back and forth about granny shifting and engine seals count?

  4. That scene in the old Godzilla vs King kong black & white movie where they decide to marry & honeymoon in Niagara Falls & celebrate by drinking it.

  5. Silver Linings Playbook. After the dance competition when Bradley Cooper’s ex-wife, who he’s been trying to impress throughout the film, is there to see him and he rejects her because he’s realized how perfect for him the girl played by Jennifer Lawrence is (every guy watching of course saw it – she’s gorgeous) and runs after her as she’s angry and gives her his last letter to read. then it jumps forward to a scene at his parents house where everybody is being their normal dysfunctional selves and they both are just chilling with her sitting on his lap on a chair.

    Edited to add – the sexual tension between Robert Redford and Faye Dunaway when he’s basically kidnapped her and is hiding with her in her apartment while being chased by assassins in Three Days of the Condor.

  6. Anything from A Night at the Opera (yes I wish I were the man in that story).

    The scene where V and Evey Hammond watch a film together and commentate on it.

    Ballroom dance from Beauty and the Beast (or any Disney movie or any film in general, ballroom dances are so romantic and a thing I want in my life).

    The Girl in the Fireplace (yes it’s television, but still, Madame De Pompadour, she’s beautiful)

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