Hey all

So I went on a date with a girl I’ve never met before and it went so-so imo (some awkward silences, struggling to find intelligent questions to ask, etc) but nothing disastrous. There wasn’t much romantic tension being built either from what I could tell. When I dropped her off at home, she told me to “text her when I got home”. Does her asking this mean she’s still interested in seeing me or is she just saying it to be nice? I have nothing against her if she doesn’t want to see me again, I’m just genuinely confused (I don’t have a lot of experience with dating).

  1. When I use that or people used with me is usually a way to make small talk, or to catch up after the date, it gives a reason to text. If you would like to go out with her again text her when you get home, say you had a great time and would like to do it again sometime

  2. In my experience she’s saying “let me know you got home safely”. A kind way of saying goodbye but opens the door for continuing contact. Better let her know when you get there!

  3. It’s a more caring version of making sure you’re home – You told us about the “your behavior and emotions that you assume” during date, but it doesn’t imply what time or what actual events happen.

    You are having cognitive dissonance between what your gut/instinct is telling you and the confusion with your brain/logic side. The brain/logic presumes there might be something there but the instinct says there’s nothing

    If there’s no romantic tension and it was a 1-2 hour date then there’s nothing there buddy Sorry

    Even in first couple dates, you should feel some fear/nervousness/desire and it always keeps building and building to the point where you see each other naked anticipating further sexual/fun adventures

  4. I think she is sort of meeting you half way.

    First she’s saying, I care about you as a person. I spent time with you tonight, I hope you get home safely. That’s the decent thing to do.

    Second, as you are driving home, you reflect on the evening. Did something about her really appeal to you, her eyes, her laugh. Your thinking, I wonder if I can dream up the right thing to say. Her response will tell me, if she enjoyed my company. I wonder how she will respond, if I chat a bit with her during the week. Maybe we can start a new page.

  5. Usually means I had a good time, I want to make sure you got home safe, and let’s keep chatting.

  6. My friend always tells me that. Some people are just good people and care that you’re not dead in a ditch.

  7. Why do people think that the first date is a deciding factor on potentially the rest of your life? Aren’t you supposed to feel each other out the first few dates? Ofc there’s going to be awkwardness, maybe you’re both nervous or you guys have the same personalities.

    Asking us what it means to call her… i mean you won’t know until you actually do, otherwise it’s just speculation.

  8. It means text her that you got home safe. Don’t be engaging in convo right after a date. That’s a sure fire way to make her lose interest QUICKLY. I know you’re excited and want to spend more time talking to her, but you just had a whole date with her. Let her come to you. Simply text “I’m home” and leave it at that. Wait for her to initiate the next convo and then ask her out on another date.

  9. I say this to almost everyone if I have their number or some form of contact. cuz I genuinely care and wanna make sure they’re home safe. but I wouldn’t necessarily read into it.

  10. It means she has an assassin waiting for you at your home.

    Once you send that text, your fate is sealed.

  11. It’s the international way of saying nothing out of politeness after a date 🤣 No but seriously the other party wants to make sure you made it home safe and he’s not legally liable for your demise.

  12. It’s not a enough information to find out if she is interested. But you will find out if you text her.

  13. Text her when you get home and find out. For me, it sounds positive – she is open to hearing from you after the date, and is concerned about your welfare?

  14. It’s also a way of showing to someone they care. So I’d say that’s usually in the direction along the lines of a good sign in my book.

  15. Don’t overthink. When someone says something, take it for face value until proven otherwise. She wanted you to get home safe. It means exactly what she said

  16. To make sure you got home safe. It can be a dangerous world. Some people could be on their way home and get into a car accident.

  17. It usually means she wants to be sure you get home safe. Now whether that is genuine interest or just being polite is not as easy to decipher.
    I would text saying I made it home safely and I had a good time and would love to do it again (if that is how you feel) and gauge it from there.

  18. text me when you get home…
    hmm… either she is still interested,
    or she wants to find out where you live.

  19. 27(M). I don’t know, I used to think it was a nice gesture and it meant they cared you got home safely but the past two times I was told this, both women blocked me on everything in the time it took me to get home 🤷‍♂️.

  20. I’ve had guys say this to me. I take it to mean they are showing they care or have interest in me.

  21. I dated someone who asked me to text her when getting home. One morning she woke up and saw on the local news there was an accident on my direct route home. She checked her phone and was relieved I had texted her I was home safe.

    She cares about you dude. I’d say she would certainly like to spend more time with you.

  22. Girls say this to each other so that we know the other one hasn’t been attacked on their way home lol

  23. From my experience, when I tell a guy to let me know when they get home, it means that I care and want to be sure you get home safe, and I’m interested in talking more

  24. This is super common between girls, we say it when we leave each other so we know the person has got home safely. Especially if it’s at night.

  25. I wouldn’t read too much into it in terms of her interest level in you (although you can probably conclude that she didn’t absolutely despise you). This probably just speaks to her value system and how she was raised. So in this sense I think that its a very big green flag, and shows that she’s a pretty good person. If you liked her, I’d say that you have a pretty good girl on your hands and that she has a big heart.

    But sometimes you have to remember not to confuse somebody just being a good person for romantic interest in you. But at the same time, don’t rule it out.

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